Ashes Ashes we all Fall Down

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This is sad, has some spoilers. A reminder that I am still trying to work on my writing so anything you want me to know or to work on would be fantastic!! Thanks :)

Thanos had snapped his fingers.

The war was over.

Peter could do nothing but watch as one by one his new friends, Alien Girl, blue guy and Footloose had crumbled away, their remains being whisked away by the soft breeze that flew among them.

He was scared- no, he was beyond scared. He had a funny feeling in his chest, and not knowing why he believed that he was next, he was going to die too. His mind traveled back to when Mr. Stark had taken his suit away for the first time.

"If you die that is on me, and I don't need that on my conscious."

He started to panic. This feeling, this sensation, he couldn't tell if it was his spidey-senses or if he was legitimately dying, but by the time Dr. Strange had crumbled away he had an answer.

"Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good."

Peter turned around to see his longtime partner (Y/N) wobbling from one foot to the other in an attempt to stay in balance. This was that gut feeling, and as soon as he realized that it went away.

"No," he couldn't help but let a whimper escape his lips, "not (Y/n), nOT (Y/N)!!"

"You're alright," said Mr. Stark, who was obviously saying that just to comfort the both of them, but it was also pretty clear that no one including himself believed that at all.

"I don't know, I don't know what's happening!" their feet began to crumble and dust away in the wind, but as they fell forward (Y/n)'s hands like claws gripped the backs of both men as they caught them from their fall.

"I don't want to go!" tears ran down their face, their eyes filled were focussing on Peter, who could feel his heart shatter into a million pieces. "I don't want to go please Peter don't let me go, please I don't wanna go... I don't wanna go!"

"(Y/n) I'm not gonna let you go I promise!!" He returned the sobs with his own. "You're not going anywhere!"

"Let's set them down," said Mr. Stark, trying to break of Peter's empty promises, "(Y/n) were gonna set you down so you don't fall."  These vows were made out of fear, and he knew the impact empty promises could have on people in times of desperation.

Setting (Y/n) down allowed Peter to really observe the damage. Their feet were gone, as well as everything below their knees. They were leaving so quickly, and Peter knew that if he didn't act now he would regret not saying goodbye.

"I love you," he said trying to smile, trying to pretend everything was going to be okay, "I love you to the ends of the universe and even more." He pressed his forehead against theirs and held them close. He let their breath hit his collarbone and fog his suit with every exhale, and he didn't mind. He closed his eyes and secretly prayed to whatever higher power that this was going to be just a bad dream; that he was going to wake up in his bed or in the middle of Spanish class.

"I know, and I love you too." The sniffled and tangled their fingers as best they could into Peter's hair, desperately trying to stay even longer than they felt they could.

It was only moments later that Peters tears had wet the side of their cheek, and at that point half their torso was gone. Every fibre in his body wanted to be in their place, to replace (Y/n)'s imminent death with that of his own, so at the very least they could go home and perhaps lead a safer life without him. This made him angry with the situation, with Quill for ruining the plan and for Mr. Stark doing nothing else but rubbing his back in an attempt to comfort, but above all that he was guilty of not being able to do more himself.

"I'm sorry."

But they were gone, letting Peter's hair fall back and his arms only tracing what was once their outline to collide with his own body, the clank of metal only audible between a grossing sob of (Y/n)'s name being called repeatedly to the newly formed cloud that drifted away like all the others.

So yeah, Infinity War happened.

This was inspired by not only that infamous scene but towards the end I wanted to create a Sayori (from Doki Doki Literature Club but DDLC for short) effect. I wanted to flip the tables and not write the generic scene with Peter dying but make it the reader instead, giving them the ability to see how Peter would maybe have reacted if he was with the reader or in a movie theatre seat instead, watching the reader as a superhero slowly and very (emotionally) painfully whispering into ash.

Today was my high school exam review day, and I my marks aren't as good as I would like them to be. I didn't fail anything, but I just feel like I could have done more, and I don't know but instead of wallowing in sorrow I could turn it into a story to make other people miserable (haha, I just don't want my emotions to go to waste).

BUT WORRY NOT: I'm okay, and with my summer break coming up I will write some more lighthearted chapters too!

Anywho, I hope you enjoyed!

- Generic

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