Unrequited Love (Peter x Liz x Michelle x Reader)

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I don't know why, but I was feeling like writing something sad, and this chapter may have death triggers. Don't read if your in a bad state of mind, and if you are than please take some time off your device to rest. Whatever it is that is causing you pain will eventually blow over. Everything will be okay, and take care of yourself! :)

Knowing Peter Parker was the best and worst thing about going to Midtown High for (Y/N). They had been best friends since fifth grade, and she had moved next to him the year before. It wasn't until the eighth grade until she developed romantic feelings towards Peter, but she knew that she was his best friend, and that's all it would ever be.

Why ruin a perfectly good friendship?

Still, she would study hard, and dream of becoming a biologist. He wanted to go into computer sciences, until of course Stark gave him an internship that took him where ever 'Spiderman' went (she put the pieces together real quick, she knew he was Spider-Man the moment he came back from Germany). So basically, she was crushing on not only Midtowns quietest science enthusiast, but also the web-shooting hero of Queens.

The only other problem was that he always, always, had an eye for someone else. Every time she would work up the courage to tell Peter how she felt he would come to her for dating advise for other girls. It hurt her every time, but no matter the amount of heartbreak it brought her she knew that he was better off happy with someone he actually feels chemistry with.

Maybe one day, he'll feel that spark with me.

This was the thought that kept (Y/N) going, because every time she would see Peter looking lovingly at some popular girl she would remind herself that there was still lots of time for Peter to realize all she had done for him, and how much he means to her.

Ned was the only other person that knew about (Y/N)'s feelings, because Ned has a funny way of knowing what's up. He knew that (Y/N) was head over heels for their friend, so every time they went out Ned would always move to make sure (Y/N) and Peter had been sitting/standing beside each other. He honestly thought that they would make a perfect couple, but his constant purposeful third wheeling made it worse for (Y/N), who regardless of how close she was sitting beside Peter, would feel the farthest from him as he would go on about Liz, a senior girl who was smart AND popular, and also had a nice house.

She was pretty. She nice, and had lots of nice things. She was in the mathletes team that went with Peter to Washington. She was the one Peter asked to Homecoming, and she was also the one that accepted his proposal in the middle of the front hallway. (Y/N) was walking out of a bathroom when she heard them talking, so she went outside under the bleachers to cry in solitude. She missed a Spanish class, and for once she couldn't find it in herself to care.

From then on, she slowly started to distance herself from Peter. She took an extra shift at her work on Friday nights so she wouldn't have to go to Peter's house and build Legos and watch Star Wars with him and Ned, and whenever they were talking her answers were always short and sweet. No opinion, no point of view, just "yeah", "no", or "I don't know".

She also stopped sitting with the boys at lunch, which took a toll on her big time. When they were sitting eating lunch, she was upstairs studying, trying to empty her mind as much as her stomach was (because she usually skipped breakfast to get to school on time). It started going downhill when walking up stairs that once seemed like nothing became exhausting, and if she got up from a chair, or simply turned her head really quickly, than she would get tunnel vision and see stars or brightly coloured spots. She wasn't able to focus in classes, well in the classes she didn't fall asleep in, and Peter could tell something was up but he didn't have the confidence to confront (Y/N) about everything.

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