Merry Christmas

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Peter was still in the Inifinity War. The Avengers had just won, and had gathered together to recover.

It didn't look like much from the outside, but once Peter's moved his arm away from his body there was a huge gash that spanned from his left collarbone all the way down to the right side of his abdomen. He started bleeding everywhere; from the mouth, nose and the ears as he started yelling out in pain. He fell to the floor and gasped for air, and gripping onto life as hard as he could.

And all you could do was watch.

You woke up in a cold sweat, causing your fleece pajamas to stick to your skin. You tried to calm your breathing as you looked around, feeling the sheets and conforter tighten around your waist as you had gotton up really quickly.

It took a while to recognize the room around you. It was your boyfriend's bedroom; and the place you had been sleeping in for the past few days since your parents were both away for business trips in different countries. The doors slightly made a shadowy silhouette in the dark, and the curtains on the windows seemed to absorb a soft amount of light from the streets of Queens below. You sighed as you looked to the alarm clock on your left.

1:33 am.

"(Y/n)," You heard Peter stir he got up, "(Y/n)... You okay?"

"Yeah," you sniffled, wiping some tears away with the back of your index finger, "yeah I'm fine."

"No you're not."

"I know." You sighed, not knowing what else to say. You were tired and didn't want to argue. Its not like you and Peter argue often or pretty much at all, but you were just too lazy to at the given moment.

"What's wrong? You can talk to me." He put an arm around your back, rubbing small circles.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just not used to having you back home yet. For a whole year I had been worrying about you; hoping, dreaming and even praying that you would come home alive, and near the end of it I was almost preparing myself for the opposite ending than what we got."

"(Y/n), I-"

"I started preparing myself for the worst, because that's all I could do. It felt like hell, Peter. I was beginning to think that maybe we wouldn't be able to have nights like this anymore, or ever again." Your tired self tried not to break into a sob, but low and behold you began to cry. "I was so scared, and I'm just having trouble getting used to the fact that for once something went our way."

Peter didn't know what to do. He also didn't know what to say. He knew that his mission was difficult for both him and (Y/n), but seeing his loving girlfriend in shambles like that drove steaks in his heart. He scooped her into his arms and held onto her as if she would crumble any further. She cried in his shoulder and he did into hers.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Peter. I'm not supposed to-"

"Talk to me? (Y/n), your feelings are important, and I care about you."

"But I-"

"You are so special to me, and don't worry; I dont plan on going anywhere. I'm here and I'm staying."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

You both decided it was time to go back to sleep, and Peter decided to spoon you closer to him. You placed your arm over his and felt your eyes grow heavy.

"Hey (Y/n)," he wispered softly, "It's 1:40."


"Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas."

With that you both fell asleep around the same time, holding eachother closer than you usually would. For once, the world finally felt right again, and both of you slept with slight smiles on your faces as the snow started to fall outside and onto the cars driving below.

Really crappy Christmas special, but here you go! Kind of rushed this and will edit ASAP, since I just got on break from both my school and work.

Nonetheless, I wish you all happy holidays!

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