Macy's Day

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"Come on Peter!!" You yelled while squeezing your boyfriend's hand, his chest filled with anticipation.
"It's gonna start any minute now, and I don't want to miss it!!"

Peter and Aunt May began taking you to the Macy's Day Parade when they found out you've never been to one before in 6th grade. It was always the official start of the Christmas season in New York City, and for someone who loved the holiday so much it was shocking that you never got the chance to go. From what used to be just any other weekend, the Macy's Day Parade quickly became a favourite of your's, and it became a tradition that the three of you would go every year, with Ned and eventually Michelle if they were able to join as well.

This year, it was only you and Peter, because May had an important meeting with an old friend from high school, Ned got sick with the flu, and Michelle was off visiting an art gallery with her aunt somewhere upstate.

Both of you weren't complaining.

The night before, May had already gone off to see her friend, and you went over for a sleepover at Peter's apartment (May awkwardly gave Peter a pep talk about condoms before you arrived, because Aunt May was someone who trusted her nephew enough to make good decisions). You both stuffed yourselves with popcorn and watched whatever came to mind while scrolling on Netflix. Needless to say, you both were up pretty late and decided to turn in at around 1 AM, softly cuddling in Peter's bed, with warm comforters fresh from the dryer.

It was pretty disappointing when you both woke up to find out that you had slept through your alarm, and that by now your ideal spot for the parade would have been taken. As much as you hated breaking tradition, and as stubborn as you were to see the show, you knew that if you left for the streets by then all you would be able to see would be shoulders and silhouettes.

That's when Peter had an idea, and you could argue that it was both the best, most genius idea he had ever had, or the worst.

He was quick to get dressed in his Spider-Man suit. It was the newer one, with all of Stark's neat little fix-ins. He was going to have you two sit on a rooftop somewhere, and give you the best view of the Macy's Day Parade anyone could ever hope to get. The one problem was that if people saw you sitting with the Spider-Man of YouTube, sharing popcorn and acting like a couple would on a date (because that was what this was going to be) than people at school would easily be able to piece together the puzzle and confirm that Peter Parker was Spider-Man.

His solution was pretty simple but pretty stupid. He pressed the hidden button in his closet, to reveal the old Spider-Man suit he wore before Mr. Stark gave him a new one. He tossed the sweater and mask over to you, which you put on like you would if you had worn it a thousand times before. Looking in the mirror, you put on some light blue jeans, and your boyfriend gave you some red sneakers that May had, but wouldn't fit her anymore.

You looked like a rip off teenage wannabe Spider-Man, and Peter loved it so much.

"You look great!" He said excitedly, hugging you deeply. "Almost great enough to keep the sweater."

"No friggin way Spider-Boy." You replied somewhat unamused and muffled thanks to the mask. "I look like a poorly made bootleg of you!"

"Who says that's a bad thing? You're freaking adorable (Y/N)!"


In the end, Peter was right to have you both disguised. People on the streets didn't take long to recognize their neighbourhood hero, and some news choppers got footage of you on the roof, and thanks to the disguise you earned the name 'Spider-Girl', which was something Peter would now call you to your displeasure.

Soon, your pictures started showing up on TV, well, the pictures of Spider-Man and his girlfriend kissing and hugging over a ledge, and girls all over Midtown went crazy.

"Yeah, he gives me that sweater, like all the time," one bragged to her friends, holding up a newspaper, one shot covered the front page in a heart shape, "I'm surprised no one noticed us before, since he brings me, like, everywhere."

You smirked at her heaps of bullshit and continued your way to your class, feeling oddly smug over the fact that she is the least likely to fall for someone like Peter in real life, but would fantasize over his alter ego like that. You found it funny, and you didn't know why but you decided to revel in it privately, but damn that made your day.

Just then you felt your phone buzz in your pocket, so you took it out and unlocked your passcode.

Saw some of the papers this morning, sounds like New York really likes us ❤

You smiled as you quickly scrolled up from his text, not wanting anyone else see what he sent.

Not going to lie, Spider-Man's girlfriend DID look cute in his old sweater😝😝

What about Spider-Man? 😕😕

I know better than to describe Spider-Man as only 'cute' 😏😏😏

You could feel Peter's blush through the small 'R' that remained next to your text for an unnaturally long time before he began typing again.

Maybe after school, you can let Spider-Man know yourself?

Only if he lets me keep the sweater.

Once again unedited but I really wanted to get some Christmas images out before. Will edit ASAP though.

Also, I have never actually been to a Macy's Day Parade. Here in Canada, we have a Santa Clause Parade, with floats instead of balloons. I just kind of imagined a Macy's day parade to be similar but with balloons instead.

Anyway, feel free to let me know how I did!!

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