Chapter 1. Ultimatum

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“Why won't you just grow up Amber?! You're not a child anymore so stop acting like one or get the fuck out of my house!” I kept my head down during my mother's rant and just nodded along. There was no point in arguing with her. If I'd learned anything in my 20 years of life experience it was you don't poke an angry bear, especially when said bear is your mother. She sneers at me and grabs my jaw roughly jerking my head up to meet her gaze. “Look at me when I'm talking to you! God damnit how many times do I have to tell you?!” I meet her gaze for a moment before dropping mine. “Once…” I mutter quietly. She holds me there for a moment longer before dropping my jaw and pointing down the hall. “That's right. Now go to your room and stay there until you learn some goddamn respect.” I nod sheepishly and hurry away, shutting the door behind me and biting back tears. She was never going to understand me, and I definitely wasn't going to change for her. So my only option was clear, I had to leave. I choked back sobs as I gathered the things I would need in my white kitten backpack, my phone, charger,  sippie cup, paci, pillow, blanket and my favorite stuffie, Rupert, and climb out my window taking one last look around the room I called home and prison my whole life before dropping down and creeping towards my car. As I pop the trunk and place my bag inside next to my suitcase I already had packed with essentials for a month now, and with Rupert and my blankie in the passenger seat, I drive away with tears in my eyes, not looking back.

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