Chapter 4. Daddy?

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I'm awoken by the sound of a door opening and closing, and I groan and rub my eyes sleepily. “Hello little one” A deep masculine voice makes me freeze and when I open my eyes I see an extremely tall man with slicked back brown hair and a beard wearing a well fitting suit and a gentle smile. I whimper and look down blushing as I realize I'm staring.  “H-h-hi,” I murmur quietly, “w-w-who are y-you?” He chuckles and comes to kneel down in front of me so he's more at my level. “I'm your new Daddy little one. I've come to take you home.” I peek up into his hazel eyes feeling very confused. “M-m-my D-d-daddy?” I whimper shocked and his brows furrow with concern. “Do you know where you are little one?” He asks and when I shake my head he frowns. “You're at a littles auction princess, did you really not know?” “W-what’s a-a littles auction?” I whimper even more confused. The man who calls himself my Daddy sighs and looks down for a moment before looking back at me. “Its a place where littles like you are sold to Daddies like me. Now don't panic,” He smiles gently reaching out and brushing a stray hair behind my ear. “since you clearly didn't know what you were getting into I won't keep you against your will. Do you have any family I can call to pick you up princess?” I stop my gaze and shake my head. “Any place to stay?” Again I shake my head, tears welling up as I try to hold myself together. I hear the nice man sigh and he takes my hand gently, no doubt notice g my flinch at the small contact. “How about you come home with me for now little one? I can help you get up on your feet and settled somewhere if you'd like or you can stay with me for however long you'd like?” I think for a moment and nod. It's not like I have any money to stay here at the Hotel and he seems nice enough. “Alright princess, hey dry those tears little one you don't want your stuffie to be sad now do you?” He strokes my hand with his thumb gently as I giggle a bit, giving him a shy smile as I shake my head. “Good girl.” He says with a smile and gently pulls my hand so I'm standing with him. “Since the staff knew I'd be here to get you your car and your bag will be delivered to my house, but I saw this and figured you'd want to carry it with you.” He smiles and pulls my backpack from behind the door and I smile widely as he hands it to me. “T-thank you!” He chuckles and holds the door open for us as he leads the way to his car. “Not a problem princess. You have a wonderful smile.” I blush even deeper and hide my face in Rupert as he buckles me into the front seat with a chuckle. He walks around the car and I whisper to Rupert, “I think I like him, he nice.” before he gets in and starts the engine. “Ready to go angel?” He waits for me to nod before driving away both of us wearing hopeful smiles as we sit in comfortable silence and listen to the soft music playing over the stereo.

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