Chapter 8. Shopping

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After lunch is all cleaned up and we are dressed Daddy and I buckle up into his car, with Rupert tucked beside me of course, and Daddy drives us to the shopping mall just a little over a half hour away. We spend the ride listening to Disney music and laughing when we sing out of key. When we arrive Daddy opens my door for me and takes my hand in his crouching down to my level and meeting my eyes with his stern gaze. “Now princess I know you want to go over rules tomorrow, but I have a couple you need to know for when were shopping okay?” I nod and trace patterns on the back of his hand while I listen. “First, never run off without Daddy, i just want you safe. Second, hold my hand at all times. If you need to try something on that's okay to let go but try to stay within arms reach. And thirdly,” he smiles and reaches out to ruffle my hair making me giggle. “have fun. And if you see anything you want tell Daddy and we'll see about getting it for you okay little bear?” “Okies Daddy Bear.” I smile and blush as he kisses my forehead. “Good girl, now let's go have fun!” He smiles and helps me from the car, lacing his fingers with mine as we enter the mall and wander from store to store. Im a good girl the whole time and dont let go of Daddy's hand not once! I still felt shy about asking for things but Daddy made it easier by asking if I liked something before he bought it, and at the end of the day I was exhausted and helping daddy carry tons of bags out to the car. One thing in particular I liked was the unicorn stuffie he found for me in one of the little kids shops and I refused to put him down for the whole ride home, introducing him to Rupert and playing make believe the whole way

*apologies for the lack in posting lately I could bore you with details but I had a lot of crud happening girl and didn't have time to write. Anyways hope you enjoyed if you're all still hanging in there with me!*

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