Chapter 2. Hotel Lotus

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I don't really have a destination in mind, but I end up driving to the busiest part of downtown. I was so lost in thought I didn't even realize how long I've been driving until I see the clock on the dash reads 12:29 a.m. “Fuck,” I mutter to myself looking down at Rupert, “we should stop for the night, how about there?” I stop in front of a fairly large hotel, and grab my backpack, suitcase, and Rupert before exiting the car and making my way inside. “Okay here goes…” I mutter to myself as I approach the front desk. My social anxiety showing it's ugly head as I see the cheery woman standing there. “Hello!” She greats me with a fake plastered cheesiness about her, “How can I help you?” “I-I’d l-like to u-u-umm” I blush and hug Rupert tight to my chest in an attempt to calm my frantic heartbeat. The women's gaze softens and she smiles gently. “Oh honey it's okay. Just follow this nice young man and he'll get you all set up luv.” As if on cue a young bellhop comes over with a smile. “Hello miss can I take your bags?” I nod. “Y-yes p-please” I smile shyly, giving him my suitcase but keeping my backpack and Rupert before turning back to the woman. “w-what a-about m-m-my car?” She looks a bit surprised but soon covers it with a smile. “Oh don't worry hun we'll get it taken care of. Have a nice evening!” I smile a bit before nodding my thanks to her and following the young man with my suitcase. We get on the elevator and I raise my eyebrows when he pushes the top button, my shyness stopping me from asking questions. “So what brings you to the Hotel Lotus miss?” The young man asks making polite conversation. I look down and kick my toe softly on the ground. “N-n-no reason” I answer quietly, earning a soft chuckle from him. “If I had a dollar for every time I heard that.” He winks at me making me blush deep red and duck my head hiding my face in my hair. After what seems like an eternity we finally reach the floor and the elevator doors open. “This way please.” The man says waving his arm and beckoning me to follow him down the hallway. I don't really know what the halls looked like but their carpet was nice, which I knew because I never looked up from my feet the whole way. “Here you are!” He stops at a door and holds it open for me, setting my bag inside. “Someone will be by shortly to help you if there's anything you need.” He smiles with a bit of a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. “And good luck!” With that he closes the door leaving me with more questions than answers. “Good luck with what?” I mutter to myself as I survey the room. There was a queen bed in the middle of the room, but no tv, mini fridge, or any other furniture in the room. Frowning I go into the bathroom and see a standard tub toilet and sink, shrugging. They probably gave me the cheapest room considering I haven't paid yet. I'm just about to sit down and unpack my jammies when I hear a knock on the door. “W-w-who is it?” I call out grabbing Rupert and holding him to my chest. He makes me feel calmer whenever I'm scared. “Mrs. Atlas dear! I'm here to assist you!” The woman calls through the door. I walk over and open it trying to keep eye contact with her and mostly failing. “I-im fine t-thank you” “Oh goodness me miss you can't go dressed like that!” She looks horrified at my sweat pants and beauty and the beast t-shirt. “you must put this on! Not a moment to waste!” Before I can protest she pushes into my room and shoves a garment bag into my arms, pushing me to the bathroom and shutting the door behind me. I look at the bag confused and unzip it to reveal a gorgeous pink ballroom gown, and immediately fall into my little space, giggling excitedly. “W-where we g-go?” I ask as I pull the dress on and zip it up. A pause before she answers behind the door. “You don't… you didn't… Just a... party dear everyone on this floor is invited to attend!” She answers cheekily and gushes as soon as I open the door with Rupert in tow. “Oh aren't you a vision! Now let's get your makeup done and hair then we'll go!” “O-otays” I sit still while she pulls my hair up into two pigtails on either side of my head and puts my makeup on lightly. “There, beautiful!” She smiles and takes me by the hand. “Hurry along now luv we're going to be late!” “W-wait!” I pull from her grasp to run back and grab Rupert from my bed and rejoin her, letting her pull me along by my free hand down a series of hallways into a large ballroom. When I start to ask why we were the only girls there and all the men were looking towards a stage in the far end of the room Mrs. Atlas shushed me and tells me to be patient and hold onto my stuffie tight. I giggle shyly blushing as I'm pulled in line with more girls that are waiting behind the stage. One girl next to me has a stuffed elephant and she makes him wave at Rupert and I, and I shyly make Rupert wave in return. “Hewo! I'm Emily! What's your name?” She asks smiling cheekily at me. I shyly return her smile and hug Rupert to my chest tightly as we move up the line. “A-a-amber” I answer peaking around. “W-w-where are we E-emmy?” She furrows her brow looking a bit concerned. “What do you mean? You don't know? We're about to…” “Next up, Little miss Emily!” I jump and whimper as a booming voice cuts her off over the speakers and a man pulls her with him up to the stage.

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