Chapter 9. Rules

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*the next morning*

“Princess, little bear it's time for lunch! Come on down, and bring a stuffie with you” “Coming Daddy!” I smile and grab my new unicorn whom I've decided to name Pegasus and skip my way downstairs. Yesterday and this morning were so much fun! After we went shopping Daddy played dollies with me and we watched my favorite movie after supper. This morning was even better when I woke up to Daddy tickling me gently and playing hide and seek before breakfast and a bubble bath! I climb into my seat and giggle with delight seeing my grilled cheese is cut into the shape of a heart with all the crust off, just the way I like it. I pout a little inside when I see the broccoli but I don't want to make Daddy feel bad so I just smile up at him. “Thank you Daddy I loves it!” He chuckles and ruffles my hair making me giggle as he sits down in his chair beside me. “You're very welcome little one. Did you have fun playing with your stuffies?” I nod taking a bitefull of my sammich(sandwich). “Use your words baby girl.” Daddy gives me a stern look and I smile sheepishly up at him. “Yes Daddy I had lots of fun.” He smiles and leans down to kiss my temple, making me blush. “Good girl, now that reminds me… We still have to go over your rules.” I gulp and look nervously up at him, making him chuckle and kiss the top of my head reassuringly. “Don't worry little one I only have six for you darling since you're still getting used to me and your new home. We can add more or get rid of some if we need to in the future okay?” I think for a moment and nod, quickly following it with a “Yes Daddy.” This makes him smile and booo my nose playfully. “Very good girl!” Now, your rules are listed here, you can read them or would you like Daddy to read them for you?” He asks pulling out a piece of paper from his pocket. “You please Daddy.” “As you wish princess. Little Bears Rules! Rule #1.) Daddys little must always kiss every stuffie she has good morning and goodnight. Failure to do so will result in the loss of the neglected stuffie. Rule #2.)

Daddys little must always ask for sweets with Daddys permission. One pop a day is allowed as an exception to this rule. Daddys little may also earn sweets by completing 5 chores on her chore chart and turning in the 5 stickers she owns in exchange for one sweet. Rule #3.) Daddys Little must eat in the kitchen or at the dining room table like a big girl. The only time she may eat in her bed is if there are too many people in the house, she is feeling overwhelmed, she asks permission first, and or she is sick. Rule #4.) Daddys little must always take any and all medication on time. Daddy wants his little healthy at all times and she must take her medicine to do so. Rule #5.)  If for whatever reason Daddys little brakes a rule, she must immediately tell Daddy as soon as possible. Failure to do so will result in a worse punishment than previously implied.  Rule #6) Little bears bedtime is no later than 11 p.m. Daddy wants his little bear rested and happy and no sleep makes for a grumpy little.” Daddy looks over at me for a moment smiling. “Do those sound reasonable for now princess?” I think for a moment before nodding. “Yes Daddy. C-can I ask a question?” I forget with my fingers a bit, my food all gone even the icky broccoli. “Anything little bear.” “W-what are da punishments?” I peek up shyly at him blushing a bit. He smiles and reaches out to cup my cheek, running his thumb along the soft skin there. “You're punishments are as follows, Spankings, Time Outs, No Sweets, Early Bed Time, Corner Time, and Writing Lines.” I bite my lip thinking for a moment before nodding once again leaning into Daddys hand slightly. “O-otay those sound good.” Daddy breaks into a grin and kisses my other cheek softly. “Good girl. I have a feeling I'll hardly ever need to use any punishments for you but those are all I will use. I will never do anything beyond what you can handle, you have my word.”

HELLO READERS! Holy crap I just wanted to say thank you so much for over 2.5k reads! I honestly never thought I'd get that many reads on one of my stories and it just warms my little heart! And if you guys were wondering, the chore chart above is the same one mentioned earlier in this very Chapter! Also another point to clear up, this story is based loosely around my own relationship with my Daddy dom, and many of the details published here, while they may be slightly different, are some instances from our life! I'm also very open to suggestions on character development and I'm really curious as to what you readers want to see happen in future chapters! Comment what you'd like to see happen and I'll try to make it So! No promises though! ;). Ta ta for now!


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