▷ L'appel Du Vide

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Suicidal Reader X Crush

Title of the song above: How To Save  a Life by The Fray (Alex Goot and Kurt Schneider cover & Nightcore version)

L'appel Du Vide
(n.) "The call of the void" is this expression's literal translation, but more significantly it's used to describe the instinctive urge to jump from high places.

The bright blue color of the sky and chirping of the birds every morning always left a wonderful expression to (Y/N) everyday. But lately she found herself frowning at the world. Her surrounding had become boring, dull and lifeless. Or at least that's what she thought.

(C/N) was sitting with her and taking glances at her from time to time. Even though she had bandages at arms and a band-aid at her left cheek, he still found her ravishing.

"Hey, (C/N)?"


"What do you think the afterlife would be?"

His eyes widened. He didn't expect (Y/N) to ask such a prudish question. But he quickly remembered what her friends told him. She was losing the essence of life and her former self. He also discovered that it started in summer and it increased when her older sibling died. (Y/N)'s parents begged him to save their daughter and bring back the old and spry (Y/N). And he agreed.

"(Y/N), you should think about other things rather than the afterlife. Its not healthy for you, you know." He smiled and (Y/N)'s bored eyes darted to the rooftop of the other building of the school. She placed her hand on her chin and thought about something for a second. Hmm..

School was over and (C/N) kept checking on the time. Where could she be? She can't be planning for another suicide attempt..

He decided to look for her and checked every classroom but she wasn't there. He checked the cafeteria but she wasn't there either.

"(C/N)! Why are you walking alone? Where's (Y/N)?"

"I could ask the same thing (B/F/N). She's not with me."

(C/N) saw (C/F/N) ran towards him. And he was calling his name. He stopped and panted.

"(Y/N)-- she's at the rooftop-- singing a song--" He panted and took a deep breath. (C/N) wasted no time and ran. (B/F/N) gave (C/F/N) a drink and patted his back. Once he calmed, (B/F/N) asked him a question.

"Tell me, what song was she singing?"

"I'm not sure but I think it was Milk and Cookies. She sang it slow and steady like a lullaby."

(B/F/N) ran and left (C/F/N) alone. She promised (Y/N)'s parents that she wouldn't let her die. They weren't ready for (Y/N) (L/N) to be erased from this world. It just wasn't her time yet.

At the rooftop, (Y/N) was watching the sky happily and was still singing the song. It was unusual since its been a while when she smiled. She was finally getting it. The door bursted open and she faced him. (C/N) walked towards her, still panting.

"Sing you a lullaby where you die at the end."


"(C/N) I'm so glad you came. You heard my voice." She smiled with her eyes closed.

(C/N) gritted his teeth. Yes, she was smiling but it wasn't genuine. It was a sad smile. He could tell it.

"I'm happy that you were always at my side (C/N). I couldn't wish for a better life."

(B/F/N) came to the top and breathed for air. She calmed down and saw them. One more step backward and (Y/N) would fall. (C/N) looked at (Y/N) with tears falling out of his eyes.

"I wish you all the happy things in life (C/N)." She lifted an arm and tried to reach for him. "(C/N), tell my parents I love them and," She glanced at her right and saw (B/F/N) standing far away. "Tell her, she would always be my bestfriend."

"Don't say those things (N/N)! Your not going to do it!"

"Please don't forget about me (C/N) and.." A tear fell from her left eye and his eyes widened. "I'm sorry.." She mumbled but he heard it. He tried to reach out his hand to grab her but he failed.

Two months later. (C/N), (C/F/N), (B/F/N) along with their other friends came to school and then went home as usual. (C/N) decided to go to the cemetery. He placed a bouquet of flowers and smiled.

"I miss you, you know. And I still love you. Scratch that, we still love you." His right eye started to tear so turned around. He didn't want to remember it. He left and went to the hospital. His mother recently gave birth to his youngest sister and his older sister suggested to visit their mom and the child.

He stared at the room number and then opened the door. A bright sunlight emitted from the room so he covered his eyes and adjusted to the light.

"You came."

"Yeah I did. How are you?"

"Heh, I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me anymore."

He sat at a chair nearby and narrowed his eyes. He flicked her forehead and chuckled.

"Oww!! That hurt you know!"

"But it hurt me more when you fell (Y/N)."

"Hehe.. Sorry about that again.. I really thought I was going to succeed. But then here I am sitting at the hospital bedroom, recovering from my fall." (C/N) flicked her forehead again and she complained, again.

"Don't say that. I thought you realized what I told you and swore to never say that again."

"Yes, yes. I didn't forget about it. So, did you visit your father's grave today?"

"Yes, I did. Sis told you about it? I assume she also told you about Mom's laboring?"

"Mhm! By the way I want to see her, (C/N)!"

"Tomorrow. I'll let you see her tomorrow."

She pouted and crossed her arms. "You're so cruel (C/N)."

"I know, I know." He took (Y/N)'s hand and caressed it. "Hey, I never told you haven't I?"

"Told me what?"

(C/N) smiled at her and took the opportunity to kiss her right there. Her eyes widened but she melted into the kiss. His lips were warm and soft. His kiss was loving and gentle. He slipped his tongue inside her mouth but then stopped when he felt her flinch.

"Oh sorry. I went a little too far."

(Y/N) was covering her mouth with the back of her left hand and her face was red like a tomato. "Y-you bastard!"

He chuckled at her situation. "I love you, (Y/N). I had always love you. From the moment I came to know more about you, I realized I fell for you."

Her face became more flustered as he said those words. She didn't expect that he would fall for her considering there were other beautiful girls at their school.

"I-I think so too, (C/N).. I think I like you too.."

"I'm glad to-"

"N-no wait! Scratch that!! I love you, (C/N). Not think nor like but I realize I love you too (C/N). And again I'm sorry for what I did."

"It's okay (Y/N). I already forgive you. I'm glad to hear that you love me too."
He leaned forward and pressed his lips to her lips again. This time (Y/N) smiled happily into the kiss and welcomed (C/N)'s warmth and love for her.


Word count: 1289

You guys thought I was going to leave it as a sad ending but noooo I decided not to do it. Anddd two chapters in one day!! Anyway, I was actually quite surprised that I wouldn't leave it as a sad end like what I did to the 2 chapters. Also the song is sang by Melanie Martinez, one of my favorite singers and her songs are lit. But did you guys enjoyed it? If you did then give this chapter a vote! Thanks for reading!~

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