Chapter 1: Meeting The Team

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***The gymnasts in the story are Ragan Smith, Morgan Hurd, Emma Malabuyo, Riley McCusker, Ashton Locklear, and Jade Carey.***
Emma's POV
Hi I'm Emma! I'm 16 years old and I used to train at Texas Dreams. A new gym opened up in Orlando, Florida and they wanted to make an elite team out of the best elites in the country. Orlando Olympians has amazing coaches! The coaches for the senior team are Mary Lou Retton and Dominique Moceanu.
Ragan's POV
Hey I'm Ragan! I'm 18 years old and I trained at Texas Dreams with Emma. I was an alternate for the 2016 Olympic Team. I won the 2017 American Cup and the 2017 P&G Championships. I also made the All-Around final and floor final at the 2017 World Championships. I didn't get to compete but the feeling that I had qualified for those finals felt amazing! I'm really excited to train at this new gym!
Morgan's POV
I'm Morgan! I'm 17 years old and I used to train at First State. My first year as a senior was very successful because I placed 3rd all around at the Stuttgart World Cup, 1st all around at the 2017 World Championships, and I placed 2nd in the beam final at the 2017 World Championships. I'm excited to be coached by two Olympic champions!
Ragan's POV
Today is my first day at Orlando Olympians. Emma and I walk into the gym. I see girls that I used to compete against. Morgan Hurd, Jade Carey, Ashton Locklear, and Riley McCusker are all in the gym. "Hey Ragan!" Morgan said hugging me. "Hey!" I responded back. Emma and I put our bags up and we sat with the rest of the girls. Emma talked to Riley. We waited for our coaches to arrive. Mary Lou and Dominque walked in and got our attention. "Hello girls!" Mary Lou said. We all turned around and listened to what she had to say. "I'm very excited to be coaching you all! Ok, so I want you girls to warm up and stretch and line up tallest to shortest like you do at National Team camps." She said. We all got up an did our warm. We did our stretching and then we lined up tallest to shortest. "Ok so when I call your name you're going to go work on bars with Dominique." She said. "Emma, Riley, and Ashton you guys are going to work on bars with Dominique." She told them. "Ragan, Morgan, and Jade you guys will be with me working on floor." She told us. We worked on upgrading. I upgraded my first pass to a double layout with a split jump. I upgraded my second pass to a 1 1/2 to triple twist front tuck. I upgraded my double Arabian to a piked double Arabian. My final pass is a piked full in. I also got a new floor routine today! My new music is very sassy and I love it!

In 2 weeks we will be going to the US Classic. I think it will be really weird for all of us to see our old coaches but they respected our decision. Kim told Emma and me that we should go train with Olympic champions. It would be a great experience for us. She also told us that if we feel like we don't like it there, we could always come back and she'll be waiting for us. We eventually finished training on every event at we went home. All of us are sharing a house in Orlando.

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