Chapter 9: AA Final

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Ragan's POV
I was pretty nervous for the AA final because I'm starting on vault again this year. I hurt my ankle and ended up with crutches and a boot last year. I got my ankle heavily taped to prevent injury. Warm up vaults are going pretty great though. I did my last warm up vault and it was stuck! Maile and I go get ready to get introduced. We get introduced together. "Now representing the United States of America in the 2017 women's world gymnastics championships all around final, Ragan Smith and Maile O'Keefe!" We wave to the crowd and then do a few more warm up vaults. We watched other countries do their vaults and then the time came for us. "Now on vault representing the United States of America, Ragan Smith!" I salute and get ready to go. I take a deep breath and start running. I flip onto the table and do two twists off of it. I had a tiny hop backwards. I salute the judges. I had an amazing vault! I didn't get injured! Maile did the same thing I did on her vault. I got a 15.000 for my vault and Maile got a 14.800. We move onto beam. I had a shaky warm up because my ankle started to get a little sore after I had a rough landing on one of my dismounts. Maile had a good warm up. It's my turn to go on beam. Maile already went. I did a triple wolf turn and it was perfect. The next skill I did was a back handspring layout stepout, back handspring two feet, layout. I landed good! The next skill I did was a side aerial directly connected to a tucked back full. I had a small wobble. I did a front pike with two leaps connected. I did a front aerial. I did a patterson for my dismount. I had a small hop forward. My routine wasn't the best but I hit my routine! Maile did a great routine too! The next event was bars. I hit all my new skills and connections! I almost stuck my dismount! Everything was going great! But after bars, my ankle started bothering me again, and my last event was floor. I told my coach and she told me just to rest it. In between rotations before warm ups, I iced it and it started to feel a little better. I got the trainer to re-tape it and I went to warm up with Maile. I only did about two of each skill and a lot of timers because of my ankle. I also worked on my turns and leaps. I had an okay warm up. The time for me to do floor came. After Championships, I decided to change my floor routine because I wasn't feeling it anymore. I changed it to Sax by Fleur East.

My first pass on floor was good. I had a big hop back but I stayed in bounds. My second pass was good too. Just a tad under rotated but I connected the front tuck. My third pass was stuck! I just did a normal double pike instead of a full in to save my ankle for floor and beam finals tomorrow. I stuck the double pike. After floor I got some ice for my ankle and watched Maile and the rest of the girls on floor. Everyone did great! I got first AA, Maile second, and Flavia Saraiva from Brazil was in third. We got our awards and celebrated after. I won my first world championships! Tomorrow is the beam and floor finals so I have to rest up.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2018 ⏰

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