Chapter 8: Qualification Day

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Riley's POV
Today is qualifying for the AA Final and event finals. Ragan and Maile are competing AA. I'm competing bars, beam, and floor. Jade is competing vault, beam, and floor. We started on vault. Ragan, Maile, and Jade are doing vault. Maile is first. She is doing a double twisting yurchenko. She vaulted and she stuck it! Next was Ragan. She was doing an amanar. Ragan had a small hop that was only one tenth off. She had some other deductions and she had less than a point off in deductions. Jade is doing two vaults. She stuck both of her vaults and got a point off on each vault. There is a team final this year. The next event we're going to is beam. I'm first on beam. I had a really good warm up. Jade had a shaky warm up. She missed most of her connections and fell on her dismount. Luckily it was just warm ups. Ragan had a really good warm up and so did Maile. "Now on balance beam representing the United States of America, Riley McCusker!" I heard walking up to the beam. I saw the green flag and saluted. I took a few deep breaths and mounted the beam. I did a triple wolf turn to start off my routine. I nailed it! I did a front aerial into a  jump connection. I did some choreography and I got ready to do my triple series. I lifted my foot off the beam but I didn't wobble. My side aerial was a little wonky but I didn't fall off the beam. I did a switch leap into a back tuck and it was great! I got ready to do my double pike dismount. I took a few deep breaths and did two back handsprings. I grabbed my legs and did a double pike. I had a small hop back and a big step back. I did a pretty solid routine. I can do better but I was really proud of myself. Next on beam was Jade. I watched her go through her routine. So far is was wobble free and almost perfect. She had a small hop forward on her dismount and got an 8.900 for her execution score. Maile had a pretty rough beam routine. She got an 8.050 as her execution score. Ragan was doing her routine and it was really solid. No balance checks or wobbles! She was doing her Patterson dismount. She had a large hop forward. She got a 9.150 as her execution score! So far we've done pretty good in qualifications! Next was bars. I love bars! I was first. I heard my name called and I saluted when the green flag was raised. I started off my routine with a toe-on pirouette. I connected that to an inbar maloney. I did a tkatchev as a connection after that. I did a downie next. I did a ricna to pak to toe-on. I did a shaposh half back to the high bars. I did the same dismount as last year and I stuck it! I got a 9.000 as my execution score. Ragan was next on bars. She did great! Her piked jaeger was perfect! She had two small hops on her double double dismount but she hit a pretty solid routine! She got a 8.900 as her execution score. Maile had a fall on her jaeger. She got a 7.300 as her execution score. We ended the day on floor and we all hit our routines! I qualified to the bars final! Ragan qualified to the AA final, beam final, and floor final. Maile qualified to the beam final and AA final. Jade qualified to the vault final and floor final. We also qualified to the team final! I'm so ready for this Worlds!

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