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          "SOMETIMES DEAD IS better." A quote from Stephen King's newest novel entitled Pet Sematary. A quote that Faye Mathers seemed to be pondering over for the past few minutes.

          The strawberry blonde bit her lip in concentration as her eyes stayed glued to the four simple words that seemed to hold more meaning than half of the things that she heard come out of the mouths of people she knew in school. Her ears were trained to block out the noise of the shouts and laughs coming from the table beside her, but she knew well enough that if there was sound of an argument brewing or actual screams of terror that'd she'd spring into action.

          Until then, though, she had found herself sitting on the couch of the Wheeler's basement with a book sitting in her hands.

          After the incident a few years ago, Faye learned that reading was something that didn't come easily to her. Words and phrases were uncommon to her, so when the Mathers family took her in, they started her off slow; simple children books which then led to small, but ample books that would help her better understand. By the time Faye was thirteen, she began reading books with a Lexile higher than most children her age could even comprehend. she was constantly heading in and out of the library with stacks of books in her possession. It was wasn't anything the doctors could explain- that being her reading level raising exponentially without reason- but they had believed that perhaps she learned how to read before she was found. Not that anyone had been complaining, really.

          The only thing that seemed to be odd about Faye's new obsession with reading was that most of the books she borrowed from the town library were all horror novels. When asked why she loved reading books as such, her response was:

          "I think things with happy endings aren't real."

          And it was true. Even though the world didn't contain killer cars or pets coming back from the dead, they didn't have happy endings, which was the one thing about them that was true.

          Faye was deep into her novel when she heard someone slam their hands against the table when it was all too quiet. She jumped, letting out a small squeal of surprise and felt the book fall from her grasp.

         "Dammit!" Faye exclaimed. "Mike!"

          The four boys that Faye was babysitting, Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, and Will Byers all started laughing at her frustrated form, but only because they knew she wasn't truly mad at them for shouting. They shrugged her scrunched up expression off and began their game once more. Rolling her eyes playfully, Faye picked her book back up but opted to listen in on the boy's intense game of Dungeons & Dragons.

          "That didn't come from the troglodytes... no, that came from something else," Mike was silent for a moment, and every awaited his next move. Without warning, he threw down a small figurine of a two-headed, snake-like creature. "The Demogorgon!"

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