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         THE MATHERS RESIDENCE was silent on that bright morning. But even with the sun shining high in the sky that one day, it was as if a bank of clouds had fallen over Hawkins that day. Will Byers, age 12, was found dead in the quarry on the night of November 13th, 1983... And everyone in town, child and adult alike, were pointing their fingers at Fayelynn. After all, she had been there that night? Why didn't she do something? Was she the one who killed him? It was a plausible answer.


         "I knew it." The dark-haired girl known as Christine Rix smirked when she saw the news early the next morning.

        The body of Will Byers was found floating in the quarry. The cause of death wasn't identified and released to the public as of yet, but the markings on his body seen by the police suggested force was used to potentially drown the boy. Naturally, everyone's assumptions were verified by this simple fact alone as well as giving Christine the fuel she craved to torment Faye Mathers.

         "Knew what?" Tyler Warlow asked his girlfriend as he exited her bathroom.

         The two had spent the night together, their hands and lips leaving behind brutal markings of sexual desire and lust for the touch of the other person. And while it was all pleasant and fulfilling, there was something missing between their interactions; only one ideal dream was being achieved within the confinements of Christine's faux-silk (she would deny those allegations, though) sheets, with one being the sex itself and the other being the meaning that made it go rampant behind it. There was always a meaning behind it.

        So now, Tyler was waking up to find his girlfriend laughing at the television screen in the family living room. On that very screen was coverage of the quarry Tyler used to solemn visit with his father. An older man was reporting about Will Byers, the kid who had gone missing the other night, finally being found. And, as terrifying as it sounded, there were bruises and cuts on his arms, insinuating that someone had done this.

        Christine giggled at the thought she soon decided to divulge to her boyfriend. "That that freak Faye was the one who murdered that Byers kid!"

          Tyler's eyebrows furrowed in disdain. He stared down at his girlfriend as she found entertainment in believing in the fact that Fayelynn Mathers, a girl he barely even saw speak up unless she was supposed to, killed someone that she had supposedly been taking care of for years. That was one of the few things Tyler knew about Faye; she loved children. 

        He picked up his little sister from the preschool one day and saw the strawberry-blonde in one of the classrooms. He found it odd that a high schooler was spending time after school taking care of kids when she could be out getting high like so many other kids were doing. But instead, she was reading a picture book to children and actually engaging them in what she was saying! And what was strange was what he saw on her face: A smile. An actual smile that she chose to never show in school. And, God, was it gorgeous. It was filling.

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