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          THEIR DAUGHTER- ADOPTIVE or not- hadn't returned home from the Wheeler's house that night. Jillian Mathers had waited up, as she normally did for her daughter on nights she knew that she would be home late. She was sitting in the living room while watching episodes of Falcon Crest and sipping on some hot tea to keep herself occupied. She expected to find her daughter walking through the door a little before or even after nine... No such thing happened.

          Checking the clock every so often, Jillian assumed that perhaps the boys' Dungeons & Dragons campaign had gone on a bit longer than expected and it just slipped Mrs. Wheeler's and Faye's mind that it was supposed to end at 8:15. This thought put her at ease... until the clock hit 10:30. That's when terror set in. Another hour passed. It was now 11:53, and still no Faye.

          It was a well-known fact that people in Hawkins were a bit... hesitant when around Fayelynn. She wasn't one to smile often and it was very rare to even catch her talking to someone of her age or older without there being a true reason to. It seemed like her very motto was "don't speak unless spoken to," and for a girl her age, that was quite unsettling. So unsettling that it drove people to actually going out of their way to keep a healthy distance from her as if she was infected with a highly contagious disease.

          People resented her, feared her. So why wouldn't some of the more troubled kids in town see her riding her bike back to her house and decide to do something horrible to her? There were some screwed up people in this town who would just love to dispose of thing that ruined the peace in their isolated, little, town in Indiana.

         With this idea sprouting inside Jillian's head, she sprinted up the stairs and into her bedroom where her husband lay in a deep sleep. She knew he'd be a bit pissed for waking him at that late hour when he had an early shift at the office the next morning, but she was sure that when she told him the problem at hand, he wouldn't be able to rest well until he saw his daughter safe and sound in their house.

         "Tobias! Tobias!" Jillian cried out, shaking her husband's arm relentlessly.

          Tobias woke with a start. Fatigue was still evident in his voice as he asked, "Jillian? What are you doing up at... close to midnight? What's wrong?"

          "It's Faye," Jillian panted. "She hasn't come home yet."

          And like that, Tobias was up and out of the bed. He rushed into Fayelynn's room, just to see if what his wife said was true, only to find her bed barren and the windows sealed tight. 

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