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          FAYE WAS UP in the early hours of the morning with police cars in front of her house and men in blue and tan suits standing in her living room. A cup of tea was placed on the coffee table in front of the couch and it was still steaming hot. Faye was sitting on said couch with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, sleep still in her brown eyes. But she kept herself awake so that she could prepare herself for the day. That, and she wished for this questioning to be over soon.

          The town sheriff, Jim Hopper, was sitting in an armchair, hunched over to better look at Faye. (He was also the man that Faye had seen in the ambulance that night, fro what she could recall). His deputy, Phil Callahan, stood beside him with the same stern look on his face as Hopper. Finally, after about ten minutes of speaking with her parents, they began.

          "Now, Falon-"

          "Fayelynn." Faye corrected, rolling her eyes. "Just call me Faye if my name is just too difficult for you to comprehend."

          Disregarding the insult, Hopper continued, "Do you remember anything that happened that night? Anything that can help us? Anything at all?"

           "I'll tell you the same thing I told my parents," Faye said. "I can't. I remember riding down Mirkwood with Will and that's it! Everything else is blank."

          "Your kickstand was up, though. Did you get off the bike to go into the woods your-"

          "I just told you that I don't remember." Faye seethed through gritted teeth.

          "Well maybe if I ask the right questions you will," Hopper said in a low tone, his voice growing louder with each phrase. "Because right now, there's a kid out there, missing, and I got a panicked mother who won't get off my back! And since you were the only one there that night, we have to put all our faith in finding Will in you. So if you want this kid to be found at all, then you'll cooperate with me and answer the damn questions! Now tell me, in the ambulance, you said that 'something was coming.' What the hell did you mean by that?"

          Faye bit her lip discreetly. That was one of the few things that she could actually pull from her memory. And even though she could remember that, she didn't know the meaning behind those words.

          "I-I guess it was from whatever the hell gave me this thing," Faye pulled the shoulder of her shirt down to reveal her white bandages. "I just know that there was this thing out in the woods and it was-"

          There was a sudden pause in Faye's words that caught Hopper's attention. "What? What was it?"

          Faye's throat felt like it was on fire. The words were there, waiting to be spoken, but her mind was soon clouded by the same sense of amnesia was wiped away her memory of ending up in the woods. The image flashed for all but a moment before getting lost in the vast space that held all of the memories she had encountered only two nights before. It was gone. Just like that.

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