Part 3

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Today was the day I had surprised Amelia to go on holiday for the first ever time. We were going to Seattle for a month which would be about a long flight. I had already packed her small 'Little Miss Princess' suitcase because I was going to be carrying the majority of her belongings.

 I had already packed her small 'Little Miss Princess' suitcase because I was going to be carrying the majority of her belongings

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 Me, on the other hand, have barely packed anything. I managed to pack some while Amelia was asleep but then I fell asleep myself by 10pm. I've packed all our clothes and shoes but no wash bag or electricals. Meh it'll be fine. 

After a few hours, I shoved all the rest of our stuff in and woke Amelia up.

I bathed her and finished getting myself ready before we drove to the airport.

"Mummy we going on holiday??"

"Certainly are, my darling. How do you fancy going to America?"

"YESSSS!!" She screamed, earning a few glances from fellow passengers.

Once we had checked in our cases, I took Amelia to the airport shops and stocked up on lots of food for the journey and bottles of water too. 

When our flight was called, we headed onto the plane. 

I put our hand luggage into the overhead locker and we seated next to an old couple. Cute. It's how I imagined my life with Sean to pan out but it didn't go that way because I fell pregnant and Sean left, although I would never take back my beautiful daughter.

"OLAY OLAY OLAY OLAYYY ENGLANDDD ENGLANDDD!" Some drunk young men sing-shouted from two rows behind us. 

It was now 8 hours into the journey and they still hadn't shut up. Only 4 more hours to go I suppose.

Amelia had drifted off to sleep as well so the last thing I wanted was for them to wake her up after a long, stressful morning.

Now they had their music loud, piercing through my ears singing the lyrics loud.

I can't stand this anymore.

I have to go say something to them.

I have to.

For the sake of my daughter.

I gently raise her head without waking her and she droops her head onto the chair arm.

I get up out of my seat and go over to the racket.

"Guys, would you mind quietening down please because my daughter is trying to sleep and I don't want you waking her up." I say politely.

"Ok. We're sorry." The one with the European accent and blondish hair, says.

"Yeah apologies." The brunette with lots of hair says in his American accent.

The blonde one was on his phone texting someone and hadn't looked up yet. I swear I know those golden locks though...

"Thanks, boys." I say as I go back to my seat.

*Ding Dong*

"This is your captain speaking. Flight attendants, prepare for landing. Everyone please go to your seats."

I take mine and Amelia's belongings from the overhead locker and hold her hand as we get off the plane. 

Not a bad flight at all really.

Just then, Amelia bumps into someone knocking his laptop out his hands and onto the plane floor. 

"Sorry." Amelia apologises and the boy doesn't say anything.

"I'm really sorry for that. Let me buy you another one." I say and the boy turns around to say something.

We both just stare in shock at one another.

"Sean! Come on mate!! We need to get to the meeting!" The American who spoke before said.

Shit! Fuck! Shit!

It's my ex!! More importantly, Amelia's dad!!

Neither of us had said anything. We were both emotionless. 

We were now the last two to leave the plane and the stewards were getting a bit agitated.

Sean grabbed his stuff and ran off the plane and down the stairs to catch up with his band mates.

"Mummy who was that?" Amelia's sweet little voice whispered.

"That was Daddy, darling." I whispered, tears now dripping down my face.

Amelia gave me a cute little hug to help calm me which helped.

We headed out the terminals and to our taxi for the hotel. 

"STOP!" Someone yells.

The taxi immediately brakes.

I get out the taxi with Amelia and our stuff as I see Sean approaching us. 

"Come live with us for your holiday!" He said.

"Are you serious? I don't want to intrude." 

"No of course you won't. I need to know what's been happening. I'll give you the money from the hotel. Please?" He begged.

"Ok." I smiled.

"Yessss!!!!" Amelia shouted.

"Is she - " Sean asked, referring to Amelia.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Congratulations. Who's the lucky feller?" Sean said and I rolled my eyes discretely. Wow he's not changed at all... Haha!

"You, Sean. She's ours."

"Wh-Wha-Whe-Who?" He stuttered.

"Her name's Amelia..."

"Wow!" He was now in shock. 

I couldn't blame him. He knew I was pregnant but never knew if I had an abortion or adoption or anything. It's a lot to take in in one day for anyone.

We soon all arrived at the boys' apartment wherever in America that was.

Little Princess ~ A Sean Killeen FanficWhere stories live. Discover now