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I stood at the edge of the balcony the railing shaking under the pressure of my arms. I kicked one foot in and out in a swaying motion, teetering on my tiptoes to reach a Sakura tree branch. I plucked a flower and looked out at the large clock tower Ouran had as it chime midnight. The school was mostly empty due to the Ouran Fair, so I took the flower and headed back inside with it. I wandered down the halls, taking this as my chance to explore the other rooms. When I opened the door to one of the rooms, Kyoya sat silently at a desk reading a book. He looked up from his book and stared me in the eyes.

"Ahh Y/n." He mumbled and began to advance closer to her. I curtsied and walked in the room.

"Hello Kyoya." I said, offering him my hand. "The party is downstairs... What are you doing up here?" He placed his hand in mine, twirling me in a circle.

"Those ladies? I gain nothing from them." He let a small smile toy at his lips. "Would you like to dance with me?"

I nodded and felt his other hand settle on my waist. I smiled up at him and he nodded. We swayed for a couple of moments before twirling around the empty music room, dancing to the music that played from outside.

Kyoya glanced down at me, then out at the courtyard below us. "Oh, It's almost time for me to go down stairs. Tamaki needs me to help him announce the winner of his little contest."

I nodded and removed my hand from his shoulder. Attempting to pull away from him, I looked down to see my other hand still clamped in his. "Um Kyoya..."

Kyoya silenced me with his one empty hand. "Come down stairs with me. I would like your help."

Kyoya led me down the stairs towards the host club who were all standing in the courtyard waiting for him. He squeezed my hand and led me to them, where we all stood in a clump together.

I looked out around us seeing couples of all classes dancing together under the stars. "This is really pretty." I say, glancing around at all the host club members. "I'm glad we were able to meet each other."

Kyoya glanced down at the girl next to him. He gave a small smirk and squeezes her hand before speaking to the host club.

The twins watched in awe as Kyoya held the girl's hand. They smirked at each other and nodded. They pulled the microphone away from Tamaki who was spouting nonsense into it and each took turns speaking. "Excuse Me! We have another couple we would like to idolize tonight." kaoru stopped and hikaru started. "Kyoya Ootori and miss Y/n L/n-Fugioka!"

I looked up startled at Kyoya who sighed. He pulled me up tightly to his side as hundreds of girls glared at me. I couldn't help but giggle at their reactions and snuggle up into his side before looking at my sister who was clapping with Tamaki. I smiled softly at her, suddenly becoming aware of how cold the night breeze had become.

Kyoya must have felt me shiver and tossed his jacket over my shoulders before I could so much as decline it. His long sleeve tunic underneath continued to keep me warm as we danced under the stars alongside the rest of the club.
Word Count: 589 Words

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