Chapter 14: Eve

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August 24th

I woke up Monday morning bright and early. Gloria was still asleep next to me, her naked body luminous in the sliver of light coming into my room. I took a shower and shaved almost all of my body. I applied a post-shower tanning lotion, wearing rubber gloves to apply it and using a long paint brush to apply it on my back. I then applied a facial moisturizer and blow dried my hair, straightening it but curling the ends slightly with a brush. I did my makeup, by this time Gloria waking up and helping me since I was still new at it. I put on a rose gold romper and matching shoes, two bracelets on one wrist, a watch on the other, and then one ring. I put my school supplies in my black leather backpack and asked Gloria how I looked.

"You look hot," she said. "You forgot deodorant though."

"Shit." I quickly applied some and then put on perfume and a little scented lotion. "What about now?"

"Great. I don't like the ring though. What about earrings?"

I took off the ring and put on diamond earrings - the only earrings I ever wore. 

"Perfect. You're gonna turn heads."

She got ready quickly, not getting dolled up. She had an early class but she bought me a granola bar and orange juice at a cafe and then kissed me goodbye. I took a cab to the school. When I got out, I was a little caught off guard that a photographer took a photo of me, but I didn't let it show.

I was the least interesting Jeff-Lane child. I was never in the spotlight. Dean was the most popular because he liked it and was the wild child. Carmen and Kenneth were popular because they shared a lot of their art and writing and stuff like that online and were likable. Then Gabriel was really popular among theater people and gay people. I was the quiet one who was never in the spotlight.

It changed though. Nobody even knew I was queer but that didn't matter. Me going to Dalton was already getting a little "buzz," and then I had a new "look." Gloria was right again. I was going to turn heads.

I walked into the school and it didn't matter if nobody else looked like me or dressed like me. This is the way I wanted to express myself. I had to first go to the office where I would meet with Vice Principal Cummings. She started me off on a tour before the first class.

"We're so glad you decided to attend Dalton, Eve," she said as we started walking. "We think you will definitely fit right in at this school."

The school was remarkable, and she kept informing me how I could graduate early with the curriculum they had that was meant to be student specific, not just a general one. It sounded lovely. I was going to be taking eight classes: Advanced Calculus, Astronomy, Advanced Literature, Business Management, Spanish Level III, Advanced Economics, Physical Education, and Debate. My first class of the day was of course P.E. It was an hour and a half and they would allow us time to bathe and everything, but I didn't bring my makeup or anything. I sat in the class nervous about my entire look going to shit.

It turns out, since it was the first day, we wouldn't be doing anything. We didn't have uniforms yet so it was a relief. 

Mrs. Hammel was the P.E. coach and we sat in the locker room, waiting. The other girls knew each other pretty well already except for what looked like a few new girls. I sat next to a clique and wasn't sure if I should have started talking to people or just wait. I didn't want to come off as cold but I didn't want to come off as desperate for friends. The other girls would look at me sometimes but nobody came over at first.

One girl with blonde hair and dough eyes came up to me. "Hi, it's Eve right?" she asked, sitting next to me.

"Yes,"I said.

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