Chapter 47: Kenneth

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May 31st

Carmen was valedictorian. I had made the honor roll and was in the top twenty. It was no surprise she was first in our class. Despite everything she went through, she was still a good student. Being a good student came naturally to her. 

She stood at the podium and began her speech. 

"Today is a day to celebrate. Celebrate your accomplishments, your growth, your potential, and your future. High school is not easy for everyone, for many of you sitting here it was a struggle. Some of you worked more than a teenager should work. Some of you struggled with depression, or family problems. Some of you weren't sure if you were going to make it to today. But you're here, and we're proud of you. Be proud of yourself.

As we move on in our lives, some of us will go into the work force, some into the military, some into college. Whatever you are doing with your life, do it great. Be the best you can be at whatever it is you're going to be. Also, don't settle. All of us in here have a plethora of potential. If you feel like it's too late for you to go to college, or to do anything beyond the service industry, or to achieve your dream - you're wrong. We have all the time in the world, and I believe in all of you. You're all capable of doing amazing things. Our class rankings won't matter, whether we took every honor class won't matter. What will matter was how we acted and treated other.

To my graduating class, go out into the world and live up to your potential. Be proud. Do good. Be nice. Congratulations."

She kept it short and simple, which everyone appreciated since it was hot in the gym. So often people give speeches where they thank their families and make it about them, but in reality it was a speech meant to be for the class. She did a great job.

After graduation, we took photos with our cap and gowns, and then we had dinner with just family at the house, a big buffet on the back porch.

Dad, Pop, Dean, his friend Angela, Cassidy, Emily, Aunt Alisha, Uncle Clovis, Uncle Gerard and Melody, Eve, Carol and Marion Rodriguez, Michael and Emilio, Marcus and Daniel, Grandma, Granny, Grandpa, Gabriel, his boyfriend, Tamir and Alyssa, Micah and Jeremy, Jose, Eric, John - everyone who was a part of our close knit family. Aunt Axelle and her boyfriend had just returned from Europe, so she was there to see me graduate, which was nice since she was my biological mother. Madison and Alex were getting dinner with her family. Riley was with her family. 

Tomorrow was our graduation party, where our friends and teachers would come. My aunts and uncles gave us their congratulation cards full of money that evening instead of at the party, because tomorrow was a Friday, so they still had to work. Michael and Emilio were going to be there still, and Granny, Grandma, and Grandpa, but everyone else gave us their cards right after graduation. Plus, Eve's graduation was tomorrow, and they were all going to attend that, and didn't want to be bogged down with a party and a graduation.

"Kenneth, we have a gift for you," Dad said. He led me around the corner of the house with Pop and Carmen. "Since you graduated, it means you're moving on up in the world, and you deserve to have that reflect you."

I had no idea what they were talking about, but then they led me to the seven car garage we had and I realized my eight-year-old Toyota Corolla was replaced with a brand spanking new Mustang convertible in red with black leather interior. Pop loved cars, and I did too, but they never really gave us extravagant cars before so we could be humbled.

"Holy shit," I said, sliding my hand along the car.

"Eight cylinder engine too," Pop said. "We figured we would trade in your old car, so when you want to drive back and visit us you can do it quickly. Plus, driving in the city sucks, so if you ever want to do it then you might as well do it in style."

"And Carmen, we were going to buy you a new car, but you'll be gone for a year, and you also never really drove your car anyway," Dad said. "So instead we're going to let you use our private jet."

"Wait, what?!" she asked. 

"It'll fly you and Kenneth down there next week and it will stay there in case you ever need to come home," Pop said.

Sometimes I forgot we were rich. It's a privilege, but wow - we were really rich. 

"Can I take it for a drive?" I asked.

"The plane? Fuck no," Dad said.


"Fine, fine, here's your key."

Dad handed over the key to my new car. I got in and started it up. As the top was coming down, Carmen got in the passenger seat. 

"We'll be back," I said.

"You better. Be safe!"

I drove the speed limit out of the neighborhood, but when we got to a country road I floored it. There weren't even any signs saying what the speed limit was, so I was going fast. I eventually got onto the interstate so I could go even faster. I was a good driver, and the roads weren't that busy. I was in the fast lane, flying by the other cars. Carmen's hair was flowing behind her, completely distracting me. She looked beautiful.

After driving for a little while, I drove us back to the house. In the evening, a party began. Everyone kept asking us if we would throw a party after graduation, so we were kind of forced to say yes. In reality I didn't really want a party. Throughout May we had parties, unofficial and official, we had senior shenanigans so often, but I guess everyone wanted one last party from us. We would be off on our own, so we threw one. 

Dad and Pop went out with some of their friends but were going to return around midnight. Halfway through the party, Carmen and I went for another drive.

I drove us to a hilly area outside of town, a secluded place, up on a hill. We reclined our seats, the top down so the stars were shining, and we kissed. 

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