Chapter 8: Quest added to Journal

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It was Danny's last night in Hermes cabin. Well, it was actually the first one. Something told Danny that sleeping on a tree, when you probably angered the God of lighting, isn't the best idea. People kept throwing him nervous glances there and there, but he couldn't care less.

Phantom woke up because something wet was touching his face. Opening his eyes, Danny saw a little green puppy with red eyes, sitting on him.

"Cujo," Danny whispered, looking around rapidly. Everyone was still asleep. It was still night outside, "what are you doing here?"

"Master Clockwork asked me to find you," puppy responded. Phantom raised eyebrows, "Mistress Danielle is in danger," Danny's face became serious.

"Lead the way"

Cujo got up from him and ran away, his master following close behind. They went across different buildings in the dead of night and walked out of the camp. Some time later they were back on the road, which Danny remembered from his meeting with Minotaur. Phantom hoped he wasn't late.

He was there right in time to hear the first scream. Danny saw Ellie and some other kids, surrounded by hellhounds. His eyes became red in rage. In a blink of an eye he appeared near one of hounds and stuck his blade in it's head. It howled in pain and turned into golden dust. He turned around to face the other beasts.

"Stay away from my daughter," Phantom growled, his voice echoing slightly, making hounds hesitate.

"Danny!" Ellie shouted. Smart girl, she hasn't forgotten that they have company. Danny gestured with his eyes to the group. Cujo understood the gesture. Puppy immediately growled. He then grew in size, becoming almost twice as big as hellhounds and lunged at one of them.

The attackers already looked unsure of themselves. Still, they decided to attack, but this time all at once. In graceful tandem Phantom and Cujo took down all of them, golden dust lightening the darkness. Finally, they all were gone.

"Is everyone..." he didn't finish the phrase, because when he was turning around his daughter hugged him tight. Very tight.

"Daddy!" She said not so loud. Danny stroked her hair, smiling.

"Hello, sweetheart, how are you?"

Ellie didn't have a time to respond. Girl's scream was heard. Actually, it was a satyr, who was being sniffed by Cujo, who sensed something like him for the first time. Kids looked terrified of adorable little...nevermind. Phantoms looked at each other and smirked. Danny whistled and giant dog ran to him. After command 'seat', he shrunked back to the size of puppy, to everyone's bewilderment.

"Don't worry about Cujo, he wouldn't do anything to you," Danny said.

"You named it after one of Steven King's beasts?" Some girl asked. Athena's daughter, resemblance is too darn big.

"Yep. Alright, if we want to get to the camp before breakfast then we should get going"

"Danny, this are my friends: Billy and Emily," Ellie gestured to the two kids, who waved slightly.

"And this is Mr. Goatman," she gestured to the satyr. Danny laughed.

"Sorry, Ellie, but this name is taken by Grover"

"I'm not a 'Goatman'," Satyr, who looked like he was in his mid-age, said, "I'm Gleeson Hedge, it's my job to get young demigods to the camp in safety," he said, clearly proud of himself.

"And you are doing well," Danny said. Satyr hasn't noticed sarcasm in his voice.

"What is that thing?" Emily asked, pointing at Cujo, who was wriggling in his young mistress' hands.

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