Chapter 14: The city of sins

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Danny woke up with a smile on his face. He was in a very good mood. Maybe he would even not mess with the Gods that day. He wasn't plotting anything, but that didn't mean that he couldn't annoy them to the nervous tick, if only he knew that he already did. Messing with people, especially the ones he didn't like, was his favorite hobby. And yes, he messed with people he liked as well, namely Ares.

Others were sound asleep, and inside the wagon his eyes were the only source of light. It was either a night or they were going through the tunnel. Well, the first variant was unlikeable. His inner clock are worthy his father's. So it was a tunnel.

Then Danny noticed that Ellie wasn't besides him. His eyes widened as he started to rapidly look around. It didn't take long and he sighed in relief once he found her.

"Maybe you should wait for breakfast?" Danny asked, making Ellie jump in surprise. She had an expression of the kid caught with his hand in cookie jar. Actually, it wasn't far from truth, she was eagerly munching Oreo biscuit.

"But Daddy, I'm hungry!" Ellie complained. Danny got up with a chuckle and came to his daughter, lowering himself to her level.

"I know, sweetie, but this cookies are all the food we have. If you eat them, what will be left for the others?" Ellie scrutinized her eyes in thought, looking at the shaking floor, "Hey, don't be like that, Ellie," Danny ruffled her stark white hair, "I'm sure they will wake up soon."

Suddenly he grabbed her and easily lifted off the ground, earning a surprised yelp from his daughter and then a happy giggle. They dropped on the place where they slept during the night.

"So, you slept well?" Danny asked, and Ellie nodded eagerly, almost jumping.

"Yeah! I even met grandpa!" Older Phantom chuckled, looks like Clockwork decided to visit her as well, "He looked reaaaly happy!"

"Oh, is that so?" He asked with playful curiosity.

They finally rode out of the tunnel, and the sunlight floepwed through the holes between wooden planks. By Danny's counts they should be in Vegas pretty soon. Then they will eat properly. But blast LA prices, they wouldn't be able to get much, but he needs to be optimistic, at least for his little girl.

There weren't any windows, so he made his head intangible and looked through the wall. And, oh miracle, they were on the station. But then he realized - they were about to...

Danny fell on the ground because of the abrupt stop. Groaning, he got up, straightening his back.

"Ellie, stay invisible," he ordered and she did as was told, giving him a nod. Phantom meanwhile needed to wake up the others.

"Guys! Wake up!"

They didn't move.

With a deadpan expression on his face, he sent a small electrical current the size of his little finger. His victims woke up with a startle.

"What was that for?" Annabeth asked, rubbing her eyes, while Percy and Grover groaned.

"Good morning, by the way," Danny said plainly, "We stopped and are about to have guests."

"What time is it?" Percy rubbed his sore back.

"9:34 am," his hearing caught footsteps outside, "Hide!"

Why he said that was a mistery, since he still put hands on the younger boys' shoulders, turning them invisible along with himself. Annabeth just took on her cap and became invisible, too.

The trailer doors creaked open. Sunlight and heat poured in.

"Man!" one of the truckers said, waving his hand in front of his ugly nose. "I wish I hauled appliances." He climbed inside and poured some water from a jug into the animals' dishes.

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