Chapter 13: Father and Son

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Zeus was ready to, what did mortals say that days? Facepalm? Yes, that was it. He was ready to facepalm. Just how annoying this brat can be?

"What kind of letter?" He asked tiredly.

"Well, being the god of messengers and all, I got my hands on it. I would have missed it, if not that weird transportation. When I found the letter, it was covered in fire ..."

"Just get straight to the point," Poseidon said. He wanted to rub it in Zeus' face as soon as possible.

"Alright, alright," Hermes raised his hands in surrender, "the point is...I don't know where that place is," all the Gods stared at him.

"WHAT?!" For a god of travellers don't know about destination is the same thing as for Artemis don't know about archery.

"Believe me, I'm as surprised as all of you, if not more. Where should I search for this 'Infinite Realms', may I ask? What kind of place is that?"

"Is there any other information?" Hera asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, yes, there is. 'Quadrant 5' it says, apparently there is such an adress system," Hermes answered, looking down at the letter in his hand, "There is more. The letter should go to the 'Royal Castle'."

"That seizes the search, doesn't it?" Artemis said, "There aren't much monarchs left now."

Hermes nodded, "True, but I still don't know, even the Internet doesn't know," his shoulders sank, "Anyways, the letter is addressed to someone named 'Fright Knight'," some of the gods laughed.

"What kind of name is that?" Zeus asked.

"Uhm, father," he turned to Apollo, "I've actually heard that name before."

"Go on."

"It was about...thousand years ago. I once had a girlfriend back then, and she told me about that guy. He was a common legend in that time. He looked like...well...a knight. Wearing black armor, with helmet hiding his face 24/7. He was rumored to ride on a...what was it...ah, black Pegasus with leather wings," Poseidon huffed.

"In the legends, Fright Knight rode around the world, attacking people for fun. His power was at his best during 31st October, when mortals celebrate Halloween. The most interesting thing was his sword...Soul Shredder, I recall. If enemy got a single scratch by it, then he will fall into some kind of coma state, suffering from nightmares consisting his worst fears, until Fright decides to release him. That didn't happen often, you can guess. Mortals found the way to imprison him, killing Fright was beyond them. They managed to take his sword from him and shed it inside the pumpkin. That's why they have pumpkins near their houses during Halloween. Safety measure in case he gets out."

"What was he?" Zeus asked thoughtfully.

"Immortal, apparently," Hermes said, "If the kid writes letters to him, than he is still alive, no mortal lives that long. Plus such an artifact as that sword of his is something no human will be able to make. Which brings another question, WHY he writes to him and adresses himself 'Lord Phantom'."

"Maybe we should just OPEN IT?" Poseidon offered with crossed hands.

"Well, I thought about this, too," Hermes answered, "But I still plan for it to be delivered, and if it will be opened, then..."

"Just open the letter and read it," Zeus interrupted.

"Alright," Hermes said, opening the parchment and taking out the list of paper and coughing, before he started reading.

'Fright Knight, I am not going to sugarcoat this, I am NOT satisfied. Why? Because I strongly remember the orders I gave to you before my departure. I said not to let anyone get into the mortal world, unless I say otherwise. And guess what? Just a few hours ago I was attacked by Echidna and Chimera. After some 'convincing', it was revealed to me that the entrance is in some city named 'Amity Park'. Go there and put someone to guard it. They must if not let escape, then trace the beasts so I can send them where they belong. You may take Cujo for that.

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