First step of the case

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Juuzou went to the second floor where most of the members worked to ask them if they know anything about the Shadow Reaper. First he went to ask Akira, Juuzou walked over to Akira she was sitting at her desk filling out some documents. Juuzou waved at Akira "hi can I ask you some questions?" She looked away from the papers "sure" "well what do you know about the Shadow Reaper?" He showed her the case file "all I know is that it wears a black leather jacket with a reaper on the back, is that any help?" Juuzou held the file at his side "yep that's alot more then the file said" he smiled "well bye" he spined around on his heel and started to walk away.

Next he went to see if he could find Arima. Juuzou walked into Arimas office too see that he was there "oh why hello there Juuzou, liking the case?" Juuzou looked at him with a confused look "what ya mean by liking its hard" "ya I know that, it was my case but after you broke the door I figured a hard case would be a good punishment" he laughed really hard that he began to cry. This was the first time Juuzou seen him laugh "well I'll leave you alone then" Juuzou walked out of the room quickly.

Juuzou figured he had more then enough info to go off of. He decided that he would go grab some grub, he walked down the streets looking for a good place to eat when he came across a cafe called Wolf pit he liked the name so he decided to go inside.
When he got inside he looked around with amazement, the floor was made out of stone and the walls we're oak and with the corners of the room we're actual tree trunks.

Juuzou walked to the counter and sat down on a oak stool "wow you have a really pretty place here" he said while the waitress walked over "thanks, heres the menu I'll be back in 2 minutes to take your order" she walked through a door that lead into the kitchen.

When she got back Juuzou was ready to take his order "what will you be having" "I would like a coffee and a tuna sandwich" the waitress wrote down the order "is that everything?" She asked "yep". She walked back into the kitchen he watched her and noticed under the black hat she was wearing that she had red hair "what a pretty color" he whispered to himself.

She brought out the plate of food and a coffee, she handed it to him "enjoy she said while going to the register to write up a bill. She brought it over to him by that time Juuzou was all ready done eating he payed the bill and left.

He decided to go home to get some more sleep and try to search for the ghoul at night. He arrived home and layed down on his couch and quickly fell asleep.

Thank you all for reading this far in and don't forget to vote and share it if ya liked it. :)

One only has happiness for a little while - A Juuzou Suzuya StoryWhere stories live. Discover now