The case

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   Juuzou walked through the doors on the CCG HQ of the 24th ward, Juzzou stretched out and let out a loud yawn "Well let's see what we're doing today" Juuzou walked to the elevated and got in and went to the 4th floor where he worked.

   Juuzou walked into the office he worked in the office was S426 one of the main offices used for research into an investigation the office had white walls and oak flooring there were four main desks that had dividers on them with desktops at each one then there were three other group roundtables all tables had black fabric rolling chairs and the ceiling was bumpy with three over each round lights and at the back of the room there were black counters with a coffee maker and a microwave and mini-fridge for the investigators when they got hungry.

   On one of the round tables, Juuzou noticed a box of donuts he quickly ran up to them and jumped in the air "yay donuts" he said with a wide smile and his hands in the air. One of the investigators on the shadow reaper case walked up to him, it was a Rank 2 Investigator named Ayota Nishiyama he had red hair with blue at the bottom, he dressed in a black suit with names sewed into the side and carried a small gray case that was his Quinque. "You do realize we always have donuts every morning right?" he asked with a hand scratching the side of his head and a smile on his face, "ya but its always my favourite part of the day to see them" Juuzou replied with a smile on his face.

   "so who are you?" Juuzou asked with his head tipped sideways, "I'm Ayota I'm a Rank two investigator and your new partner in this case" he said while pointing to his ranking badge on his shoulder. Juuzou started to walk towards his desk "do you have any leads on the rank s+ Ghoul named Shadow Reaper?" Juuzou asked while picking up a file with the ghoul's information in it. "We found out he may be part of Agori or part of another ghoul group called Tsuki that means moon since they only seem to make any sort of big attack during a full moon". "okay so we might have a group he belongs too, any possibles locations he might be found at?" Juuzou asked while looking at the only picture they have of the Shadow Reaper "well there is an old abandon warehouse near the ocean here in the 20th ward he is thought to be seen at", "Well tomorrow is the day before the full moon is so that night they will probably plan there attack so we will go to that location to see whats going on there" Juuzou said while writing it down in the file, "okay" replied Ayato.

  Juuzou left HQ to do a little ghoul hunting and to hopefully run into that girl again.


Sorry for the very late chapter got writers block and had a idea for a new story called White Wolf my newest story so spent a while planning it out but hopfully will beable to updated both storys regularly, please keep supporting both my storys means alot to see you guys readers and commenting on them :) :) hope you enjoyed 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2018 ⏰

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