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A/N I don't own Yugioh GX.

Everyone in the school knew of Heather's and Syrus relationship, in which it didn't really bring any peace from jealous people. Heather could careless but Syrus knew he was an easy target but Heather assured him everything is okay but it didn't really calm his nerves.

Syrus was currently in tennis court trying to hit the ball over the net, he was playing with Heather who was on the other side of the net.

"Come on Syrus you can do it"

She said trying to encourage her boyfriend.

"Its easier said than done. Can't we play something else?"

"No, i want to play tennis. Now come on give me your best shot"

"I'll try"

Syrus made a couple of attempts on hitting the ball but kept missing. A group of guys sitting on the bleachers began laughing at the scene. Heather glared at them from far away and Syrus looked at them embarrassingly. Heather saw the look on Syrus face and rolled her eyes.

"Ignore them Syrus, they are just a bunch of losers"

Syrus gulped and looked towards Heather and nodded


"Okay now just bounce it and swing"

Syrus nodded but kept missing, 30 minutes passed and still no success. Heather was sweating not because of the game but because of the heat just standing there in the hot sun.

"Um Syrus I'm going to get a bottle of water, while you continue to get the ball over the net"

Syrus chuckled and nodded as he continued to swing the racket. Until the group from the bleachers came to circle around Syrus, who looked at them nervously.

"Um can i help you gentlemen with something?"

Before any of the guys can respond, Heather came running into the group circle and stood in front of her boyfriend defending with glaring at each and every one of them. Until one guy which seems to be the leader of the group spoken up.

"You know Heather, I don't even know why you are even with this pipsqueak. He's too short for you. If you know what I mean. By the way my name is Alex, this is my gang name The Ruthless"

He said with a grin.

"For your information, he is man enough for me and is the best boyfriend I ever have. More like The Useless, I could care less who you are and your cheerleaders name"

"Oh, come on, Heather. He ain't big enough to handle a woman like you?"

The guy smirk, but Heather continued to glare at him and then smirk.

"It ain't the size that counts, asshole - it's what you do with it."

The guy froze and glared at Heather.

"Whatever let's go guys, let's leave the beauty and the mouse alone"

The other guys laugh and walked away from Heather and Syrus. Heather let out a sigh.

"Man I hate bullies"

"Thanks Heather, you know you didn't have to do that"

Heather turned around and face her boyfriend surprised with one raised eye brow.

"And what you wanted me to put an ice pack on you instead after they pound you into the ground. Ha no thanks, i'll rather stop the fight before it gets out of hand. Besides they are nothing but a bunch of haters"

Syrus didn't know what to say and looked at his hand surprise he was still holding the ball and the racket.

"Do you still want to play?"

"Hmmm yeah I guess, so i can blow off some steam"

Heather went around to her side.

"Now remember what i told you"

"Yeah yeah i got it"

Syrus bounce the ball and took the swing surprising Heather since she wasn't paying attention and she took her swing running towards the ball and swinged it back.

After a while of playing Heather and Syrus were panting and sweating.

"Nice game Syrus, I thought you will never hit the ball. Im sorry i doubted you"

"You doubted me? When?"

Heather sheepishly smile and changed the subject.

"That doesn't matter, it was a good game, now i just need to take a shower. I'll meet up with you later okay"


Heather gave Syrus a quick Peck on the lips before running off to her dorm so she can take a shower. Syrus smiled and ran to his dorm to do the same but stopped as the group from earlier were in his path. Syrus glared at them.

"Don't you guys have something better to do?"

"We are going to go straight to business, now that girlfriend is not going to be here to save you now"

Alex sneered making his way to Syrus but a voice made them stop.

"I wouldn't be to sure about that, he has us"

A voice said and Jaden jumped down from the tree branch along with the others. Alex glared at them and walked away from the group, Syrus smiled and ran to Jaden but was confused about one thing.

"What were you guys doing in the tree?"


They all said scratching the back of their heads nervously.

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