My Over-Protective Brothers Chapter 5

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I woke up in Victoria's bed. I yawned but didn't sit up. "Blake!" Tori yelled and jumped on the bed. "What the hell Tor!!" I said to her. "It's 2:00, Ethan's picking you up at 3:00." She said. "It's only an hour." I said. "It's going to take you an hour to get ready." She said pulling the warm blankets from me. I groaned and curled up into a ball. "Come on Blake." She said picking me up. I sighed as she picked me up and put me on the ground. I sighed and sat on the edge of her bed. "Go shower and I'll pick out your outfit." She said. I got up and walked into her bathroom.

I took of my pajamas and turned on her shower. I stepped in and the hot water hit me instantly. I washed my hair with her vanilla shampoo. I scrubbed my whole body and shaved. When I finished, I turned the water off and wrapped my body in her white fluffy towel. I walked out of the bathroom to see her getting everything ready.

"Hey Blake, sit in the chair, I'm almost ready." She said. I walked over and sat in her black vanity chair. "Tori, mom wants you to know that she's coming home late." Harry said coming in. he covered his eyes and blushed. "Sorry for coming in." he said turning around. I blushed too. "It's fine Harry." Tori said, smiling. "Well bye girls." He said leaving and closing the door behind him. "Well, let's get started." Tori said.

I was sitting in her chair in my bra and panties. She was blow-drying my hair and I was texting Ethan.

To: Ethan❤️
Can't wait to see you 😊

From: Ethan❤️
Can't wait to see you either 😊

I put my phone on her dresser and she finished blow-drying my hair. "OK, go get dressed." She said holding out a strapless navy blue skater dress and brown wedges. I stood up and put it on. When everything was on, I sat back in the chair and she turned me around. "I want the makeup and hair to be a surprise." She smiled and began.

When she finished, she turned me around and my eyes widened. My hair was curled in ringlets doing down my face. My eyes had the smoky effect and I had clear lipgloss on. "Thanks Tori." I smiled and hugged her. She smiled and hugged me back. "Blake, Ethan's here." Brett yelled. Tori handed me my black purse and gave me another hug. "See you Blake." She smiled. I waved bye and walked down the stairs. I saw Ethan standing there. When he saw me, he smiled instantly. He was wearing a light blue button-down shirt, khaki chinos, and light brown Sperrys. "Hey babe, ready to go?" he asked wrapping his arm around my waist. I nodded and said bye to the boys and Tori.

"So where are we going?" I asked as Ethan drove down the road. "It's a surprise." He said winking at me. I rolled my eyes and faced the window. "We're here." Ethan smiled and turned off his car. We were surrounded by trees. "Ethan, where the hell are we?" I asked. He opened the door for me and helped me out. "You'll see." He walked me through the forest along a cute rock path. He stopped me suddenly and I gasped at the sight.

There was a picnic blanket out and twinkling lights were on the tree branches. There was a large projector screen in front of us. "Ethan, this is beautiful." I smiled and walked over to the blanket. He followed behind me and sat down first. I sat between his legs. He pressed a button and the lights dimmed. A movie began to show on the screen. I smiled when I looked at the familiar movie. "Finding Nemo, I love this movie!" I said. He chuckled and I leaned into him.

When the movie ended, he pressed a different button and the lights got brighter again. "You hungry?" he asked. I nodded and he picked the picnic basket. He pulled out a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries. He picked one up and I picked another one up. We fed each other a strawberry. I giggled as he fed me mine. When we fished feeding each other, I laid my head on his chest. "This date was great." I said. he kissed the top of my head and I smiled. I looked up in the sky and saw a shooting star.

This date wasn't just great, it was flawless

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