My Over-Protective Brothers Chapter 16

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Harry's lips were so soft, and I never wanted the kiss to end. When we pulled away, I bit my lip and blushed. "Wow." He nervously chuckled. I laughed and playfully pushed him. "So... Would you like to go out sometime?" he asked, running his fingers through his brown hair. "Of course." I smiled. He smiled widely and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled as he pulled me into him. I nuzzled my head into his chest, I felt so safe in his arms.

I woke up in Harry's arms. I smiled and looked up at him. He was looking back at me. I blushed. "Did you watch me sleep?" I asked him. He blushed and nodded, sitting up. I sat up too and looked around, we were in his room. I looked around and took in the foreign surroundings.

His walls were a dark blue, his bed and dresser were a light brown and his sheets were dark blue with white stripes. He had a keyboard and his guitar in the corner and his artwork was displayed everywhere in his room. "You draw well," I said softly. "Thanks." He smiled. I smiled too as he got up. He picked up his drawing pad from his desk and walked back over to the bed.

He laid down on his stomach as he started to sketch something. I laid down beside him on my stomach as well. I watched him draw and was enthralled; it's so much fun to watch someone draw. Ten minutes later, he finished. "Ok, you can look." He smiled. I looked and saw that he drew me. I smiled widely. "Oh my god, this is perfect." I smiled as he tore it out of his notebook for me. "You're welcome." He smiled as I got up. "I'm going to shower, see you at breakfast." I smiled and skipped gleefully to Tori's room.

After my shower, I put on an oversized t-shirt with Bowser on the front, high waisted blue jean shorts and black converses. I put my hair in a high ponytail and packed my bag up. I walked downstairs and sat on the couch beside Harry. He was doing something on his phone, so I sat close to him and laid my head on his shoulder. I felt his arm wrap around mine. Tori smirked at me as she sat in their chair. I blushed and put my head into Harry's chest. He chuckled, making his whole body vibrate. "Want to hang out tonight?" he whispered in my ear, making my heart beat quicken. "Sure, but you have to meet my brothers before we go." I looked up at him and he had a look of fear on his face. I giggled lightly, he has no idea what he's getting himself into.

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