My Over-Protective Brothers Chapter 9

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It started to rain so we ran to Josh's car. He started the car and turned the radio up, We are Young by Fun. blasted through the speakers. Tori and Josh started to sing along and we all laughed when they finished. "You guys are really bad singers." I said wiping away the tears from laughing so much. Tori smacked me jokingly. "I think you sang well babe." Josh said to her. She smiled and kissed him gently. I laid my head on Ethan's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my waist. Josh pulled out of the forest and started for home.

"Bye babe, see you tomorrow." Ethan said. I kissed him gently and waved bye to him and Josh. I unlocked the front door and walked in. I closed the door quietly behind me and I walked up the stairs quietly. I walked into my bedroom and put on a white tank top and some black sweatpants. I put my hair up in a messy bun and sat on my bed with my white Mac on my lap. I logged onto my Facebook page and updated my status

Thanks for the date guys, Tor and I had a lot of fun

|Victoria Taylor, Josh Huffman, Ethan Johnston, Sheyenne Young, Brianna Davis and 10 others liked this|

Victoria Taylor: Remember the singing ;) lol (6 likes)

BlakelynJames: Oh Goodness don't remind me ;P lol (9 likes)

Ethan Johnston: can't wait to see you tomorrow princess:* (10 likes)

Blakelyn James: :* (3 likes)

I logged off and turned my computer off. I laid it on my desk and got into my bed and fell asleep.

I woke up and sat up. I took my brown hair out of the black elastic and rubbed my hands through it. I got up and picked out a cream off the shoulder shirt, high waisted blue jean shorts and brown sandals. I got up, took a shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed. I blow-dried my hair and curled it. I put on some makeup, put my iPhone in my pocket and walked downstairs.

"Hey honey, how was last night?" my mom asked handing me a container of vanilla yogurt with granola in it. I blushed. "Fun." I answered. She smirked at me and drank some of her coffee. "Sissy!" I heard Ryan say. "Come here buddy!" I smiled at him. He ran over to me and I picked him up. He sat down on my lap and I wrapped my arms around his waist. "How are you?" I asked him. "Good." He said in his little voice. I smiled as he rolled his blue toy truck around on the table. "How's preschool?" I asked. "Fun, I have a friend named Jordan." He answered. "Is he your best buddy?" I asked. "Yup." He smiled. I kissed him on the cheek and he got down from my lap.

I smiled to myself as my brothers walked downstairs. "Hey little sis." Elliot said and kissed my cheek. "Hi." I answered, smiling. "So how was last night, you didn't do anything you regret did you?" Jacob asked me. I blushed. "No, you know I'm waiting." I said. "I know, just making sure." He answered. I nodded and threw my yogurt container away. "Ready to go?" Samuel asked picking up his car keys. I nodded and picked up my bag. We all went outside and got in his car.

"Bye guys." I waved to them and walked inside. I went to my locker and did my combination and it opened. I put my books in my bag and closed it. I walked to my first period and sat in my seat. Tori walked in after me. I smiled at her as she sat beside me. "Sup girl?" she said. I laughed. "Nothing much, you?" I asked. "Oh nothing." She answered opening her notebook. "What did Josh do?" I asked. She blushed and held up the most gorgeous necklace. "Tor, it's beautiful he bought you this?" I asked. She nodded. "He's so sweet." She smiled. I smiled too. "I see you got a new necklace, did Ethan buy you that?" she asked. I nodded. "We have the sweetest boyfriends." She smiled. I nodded. "Yeah, we do."

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