Chapter 38

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About 2 hours after we were laying down, Rydel started fidgeting. She sighed, and stood up.

'I' back in a bit' she mumbled walking out. I asked her earlier about her not confessing her feelings for me when they started, but I didn't either to be fair. I asked if it was because I was with Kelly, and she denied it.

(AN. That was basically the bit that deleted itself, but broken down into about 15 times what it was)

Rydels POV

I wonder if being in love has slowly drifted my brothers and I apart.. If it was that, I might need to fall back out of love. But I cant! I love Ellington too much!

'Rydel? Are you okay?' Ellington said softly, walking into the kitchen, wearing Rocky's pajama pants.

'Im fine' I told him quietly. Maybe I just need sometime alone? Or maybe I just need cuddles. Maybe I need my brothers. I don't even know.

'You aren't,' he said, walking over to me, 'Whats on your mind?'

'I need something, but I just don't know what,' I sighed.

'Like?' He asked.

'Cuddles, my brothers or time alone,' I whispered.

Ellingtons POV

'I can give you the first one or the last one, but the boys are still out,' I told her. She took my hand, and lead me into the living room. Of course, I mind not spending time with her, but I just want her to be happy. She sat on the 2 seater couch, pulling me down with her, so I put my arm around her shoulders as she wrapped her arms around my stomach.

'What's really up?' I asked.

'I need to let everything out,' she sighed.

'Feel free!' I told her.

'I can't to you,' she said, looking down.

'You can tell me anything,' I told her, turning her head back to face me.

'It wasnt ever Kelly. She wasnt the reason I couldnt tell you about my feelings. It was the fact I knew you never felt the same. The feeling of rejection would always hurt me. I thought you would treat me different if you knew. I didn't wanna wreck what we had. Rocky's the only one that knew. He didnt want me hurt and neither did I. I didnt want to be in love when I was 15. It just happened. As soon as I knew I was I told Rocky. He said there was nothing to worry about, but there was all of that,' She let out.

'Del, you shouldn't have kept that away for 5 years,' I told her.

'I told Rocky everything,' she mumbled.

'No, away from me I meant'

'But you had Kelly'

'I wouldn't have hurt you, or treated you any different,' I told her, sweeping her hair outta her face. Our foreheads touched, and I got lost in her eyes. A smile grew on my face, and I couldn't help but feel so happy. The moment was perfect. She's perfect. I put my hands under her legs, pulling her onto my lap and facing me. Our heads were still touching. My stomach was doing somersaults as we were living in the moment.

Well, you get butterflies everytime you touch. You can't stop looking into their eyes. You can't find a flaw about them, even if theres truly thousands. You can't help but feel happy when you're with them. Everything's just different when they're around.

Played through my head. I asked Rydel how you know you're actually in love earlier and thats what she said. Damn. I am in love with Rydel. It was never like this with Kelly but I'm glad I saved it for the girl who truly stole my heart. My hands were gripping onto Rydel's bare thighs, and her hands were gripped on to my bare shoulders.

I gazed into her chocolate brown eyes, as she looked right back. I really can't describe how I feel right now. It's beyond anything I can think of. It may not seem much, but when you're living in it, it is.

I slowly moved my lips, pressing them up against hers. We may have only kissed for 3 seconds but it was awesome. As soon as our lips separated, she threw herself forward, giving me the biggest hug. My hands were on her butt, and her arms and legs were wrapped around me.

We just stayed there for about 3 minutes until the boys all came home.

'Sup guys?' Rocky said, skipping in. Someones happy.

'Why are you so jumpy, skippy, hoppy?' I asked.

'This dude's had some lips,' he smirked, sitting next to Rydel and I. He looked at my hands on her butt, and raised an eyebrow. He was soon distracted by Riker turning the football game on. The peace was good while it lasted.

'So what've you two done today?' Riker asked, sitting on the big couch.

'We went up the beach for a while, um came back.. had a fun time upstairs, came in here and cuddled,' I smirked. I know I'd be teasing Riker.

'Excuse me?' Riker asked.

'I bet I know!' Rocky said, jumping up. He stuck his tongue out and started doing all flappy actions with it. He started doing kissy noises and stuff. Rydel nodded, and pointed to Rocky, getting off my lap and sitting beside me again. Riker just rolled his eyes and turned back to watch the game, and all the other boys went to join him, including Rocky but he kept moving seats.

Rydel & I were surfing twitter and stuff, posting some selfies from earlier. I posted one of us kissing, and she turned to look at me then grinned.

'Love you,' I whispered, seductively. She just laughed, and went back to instagram.

'Rockford!' I shouted. He jumped over the back of the couch, and came to sit next to us as I pulled Rydel back onto my lap.

'Thanks for being there for Rydel for the last 5 years,' I told Rocky, 'When I couldn't be, you know?'

'Ahh, you've finally unleashed your love,' he sighed, teasing Rydel.

'Yeah,' she smiled, turning to Rocky then me.

'Lets clear it all up then. Ellington, when did you first like liking my sister?' Rocky asked.

'Um..when we went to Hawaii I think. Last year,' I told him. Thats when we got mega close. We done literally everything together.

'And Rydel, when did you start liking Ratty boy?' He winked, nudging her.

'When we first met him,' she blushed. Aww.

'Have you ever majorly fell out with each other? My memory's crap so I seriously can't remember,' he shrugged.

'Ar! When you said you really liked someone and I got peed off because you didnt tell me who it was? And I went home and didnt come back for like a week?' I laughed. It was pretty funny to be honest.

'And now you know,' she said, sticking her tongue out.

'When did you tell each other you liked each other?' Rocky asked.

'At the airport on the way from Canada,' Rydel said, straight away.

'When we came back from the airport,' I nodded. Rocky smirked.

'And look at you now!' He said, pulling us into a hug. We awkwardly sat there, but it was funny. We just spent the rest of the afternoon chilling and eating junk until we went to bed.


Sorry if this chapter is really crap, because it was way longer, and better detailed, and made more sense, but if you don't get anything, just comment :)

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