Chapter 91

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Ellington's POV

'Thanks Ell,' She whispered, resting her head lightly on my shoulder.
'Don't mention it,' I said, bringing my hand to her cheek. Yeah, this may seem a stupid way to sit as she wasn't facing me, but it was comfortable.
She was sitting to my left. Both our legs tucked up on the sofa. My left arm was around her shoulders, while my right hand was on her left cheek. Make sense?
'I'm sorry I've been such a pain in the ass the last few months,' She sighed, 'I know we've been dating for like 3 months and for every one of them I've just caused you stress and trouble, especially with this depression shit, but I didn't mean to'
'Don't worry. You're worth the whole lot of it,' I told her, stroking her face with my thumb, 'I'm sorry too. I'm not the easiest to cope with. We're both as bad as each other I guess'
'We are,' She agreed, getting out of my grip to get her drink. I had some of it, then she finished it off, taking her glass into the kitchen. I followed behind her for some unknown reason, not that I was being useful or anything. I walked into the backyard, and sat by the edge of the pool with my legs crossed. I just looked at the water, not attempting to do anything. It's just pretty to look out here. It's a good place to think; a good place to relax. It's so quiet. I love coming out here when it isn't too hot, isn't too cold. Even if it's raining, I'll sit on the sun beds under the shelter and watch the water fight, pouncing off each other. I started thinking about Riker. The reason he's mad at us all can't just be because he wants his sister back. Im not even taking his sister off him. It's got to be something else. I would ask him, but to be honest, he's intimidating sometimes.
Maybe Rocky knows, or at least could find out.
'Don't stay out here for too long. It's gonna get cold soon and it looks like it's gonna rain,' Rydel said, placing an umbrella next to me. She kissed my head, walking back into the house. See, they know that if I'm out here I want some alone time.
I pulled the hood of my sweater over my head, pulling the cords to tighten it.
I wonder what's up with Ross and Amy lately. You can definitely tell he loves her, but they don't act like it. They sit there in the quiet. That's not like Ross at all. And Rydel.. She's definitely not herself lately and I'm scared. I'm scared that this depression will change her permanently. I feel like I have to go to the therapist with her too, because even I'm not myself lately. I can say myself that I've changed. We all have and it's not doing us a single bit of good.
I disconnected my eyes from the water, looking up to the sky. I wonder how tall it is. If humans could live up there, how many would? How peaceful would it actually be? You could see the clouds properly, yet it'd be near enough and physically impossible as it's vaporised water. I bet you'd hardly be able to see them up close. You'd still feel them there though. Like a conscience really. You don't even know what it is. You can picture it, but it'd be pretty damn hard to see it, yet whatever decision it makes, it'll have an impact on you. You'll feel it even though you can't see it, or even physically touch it. You can just think.
Deep thoughts.
The clouds scrolled over the sky, the gray fighting the white for dominance. Who will be seen by the world? What if clouds actually functioned like people? They'd fight to be heard, or in their case, seen. The cloud who loses cries, making rain.
It was 5pm by the time the rain started. I popped the umbrella up, placing it over my head, the handle on the floor. I was still thinking. Thinking of things unimportant, important to me. Just thinks people wouldn't wanna hear, simply because they don't care.
Thoughts about my past came into mind. Kelly was such a big part of it. The most important years of my life were spent with her. No, she didn't necessarily make them the most important, yet those were the last years of school. The most important years. I'm glad I did spend those years with her, because we did have some good times. We had a lot actually. But, I guess people change. A lot. Whether it's them becoming famous, or them cheating on the other - either one works. I would've loved to still be friends, but after what she did to me, she'll have to be careful to never see me again. There is no word to describe my feeling when I saw her kissing my best friend. It just hurt. I know we'd already broke up, but it still stung.
I guess that's why I'm just so lucky to have Rydel. I know she's honest with me. If she has a problem with me, she'll come right out and tell me! She wouldn't betray me. I know it seems that I moved on way too fast, but that's not the truth. This is the truth:
I was devastated. I didn't want her to move to New York. I instantly knew I wouldn't see her anymore, then before I said anything, she dumped me like it was no big deal. All I wanted to do was cry, but I knew I couldn't because Rydel was there. I didn't want to cry in front of her, especially about Kelly. I liked her at this point. I had liked her for a while before actually, but as I still had a girlfriend I couldn't let my feeling develop any. Then my heart was broken. Rydel tried to take my mind of it, and she did. I knew she liked me, and I knew I had my chance. Giving her her first kiss was amazing, and I know I felt something. I couldn't pass the opportunity of making her mine. So I didn't. I made her mine. And throughout everything, I realise that everyday she makes me love struck. I fall more and more in love with her every single day. Kelly couldn't do that. Rydel can. We can always fully be ourselves with each other, which helps a lot with this stage of life. I wouldn't say the past 3 months were the best 3 months of my entire life because I'd be lying. Each day that goes is the best day. It can't be measured in months. That's too inaccurate. The more precise, the more meaning. Even through the break ups it's been okay because I've learnt a lot. I've learnt about myself and just life in general really. If anything, I've learnt you're guaranteed to make so many bad life choices, but you're gonna have to over come them and forget about them if you are gonna be the person you want to be, not who life thinks you are. You have to make dreams reality and live life to the fullest.

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