Chapter 2:

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Heres's chapter 2. sorry for any errors.

 "Is that it?" My four year old little brother, Chase, bounced excitedly in his car seat as we pulled up to a familliar big brick house.

"Yes, yes it is." My dad sighed contently, sending a loving smile at my mother. i silently gagged from my seat in the back of the car. All that lovey dovey shit made me feel unloved and awful and it brought up painful memories of Lucas. 

As i got out of the van and looked up at my new house, or should i say old house that we are moving back into, happy memories swirles inside me as i remembered when my life was happy and peaceful and drama free. Back when everything a good and Lucas was just another popular guy on the football team.

Everything about the house was the same, the long paved drive way, the russet coloured bricks and a wrap around porch. The porch was always a strange asset to the house but i liked it.

"Shay," My mother called to me. 

i looked over to see her and the rest of my family unloading box's from the back of the van.

"Come help bring in the box's. The moving trucks should be heer soon."

As if on cue, three or four moving trucks turned inot our drive way and parcked beside my moms van.

Your probably wondering why we arn't moving back into a big mansion or the pack house. Now don't get me wrong, there is a pack house and its huge. but my parents decided they liked liveing seperatly from therest of the pack. Have a little privacy. I always hated that, being away from my friends when they ll got to live together. but now im glad, i have less of a chance of running into Lucas.

I reluctantly grabbed a big box marcked 'Shays clothing' and headed inside. I stepped inside the familiar door way and gazed up at my favorite part of the house. As soon as you stepped into the house, there was a big open space with a door way connecting to the living room and another one connecting to the kitchen. But the special part about was that it look straight ahead and up, you see and Romeo and Juliet balcony that lead to a set of stairs that lead to the front entrance. 

A small smile escaped my lips as i headed up the stairs. I reached the landing and looked down and watched the big, muscular movers bring in fourniture and box's and watched as my parents dirrected them where to put them.

"Hey Shay," My dad called up to me after telling a mover guy where to put the couch. "You can have your old bedroom, ok? Start unpacking please and when your done help Chase with his room. He gets the old guest bedroom." I didn't have time to reply as my dad quickly turned away and went back to ordering the big guyes around and yelling at one for droppoing a box of dishes that were headed to the kitchen.

i headed down the failliar beige halllway and stoped at the last door on the left. I cautiously opened the door, not sure what to expect. i peeked into the room and sighed with relief. Everything was the same. The dark brown carpet and beingy wall paint called 'Salt Bush'. Werid, i know.

The adjoining bathroom was the same also, shiney white toilet, matching bathtub and sink. same with the door to the balcony. All in all, my bedroom was still the same small, boring bedroom as it had always been. Just how i liked it.

The rest of the night was spent with me unpacking. By nine og clock, my room was unpaked and i was in my blake pajamas pants and a dark blue pajama top, smoking a cigarette on the balcony. My parents didn't know i smoked or did drugs. They thought i quit months ago.

As i sat on the balcony, i wondered to my self. What would Lucas' and i's first meeting in two years be like? Would he be happy to see me? Or would he be angry that I had come back. For an hour i sat there imagining all the possibilities. I even asfar as to imagin him getting down on one knee and begging for my forgivness and proposing. Stpid right. I was so into my thoughts that i almost fell on the railing i had been sitting on when the doorbell rang. 

My breath caught in my throat as my nostrils were ingulfed with a woodsy scent that make my wolf go wild. I knew as soon as i smelt it. I knew who i was.


I preactically ran down the hallway, but stoped abruptly. What would he think of the new me? I looked into the mirror hanging on the wall at the top of the stairs. I saw a pale looking girl, with striking green eyes that were rimmed with lots of black eye liner to hide the permanent red rim. Her long flowing hair reached almost to her butt and she was very skinny. The outcome of being depressed and stressed out. And the drugs and cigarettes mighteve helped to.

If you looked at this girl, you would think she would be a confident person, top of the food chain. That i was, at my old school that is. Boys wanted me, girls wanted to be me. But everyone feared me. They knew how dangerouse i could be. I was a drug dealer.

But if you look into the girls eyes, something most poeple are to afraid o doing, and past the makeup and hard extirior, you would see a broken little girl. A girl who had her heart broken and never mended. A girl with a screwed up life. I girl like me.

I averted me gaze from my own eyes and fell to the floor. Now i know what my parents saw when they looked at me. I felt bad for them. Having to stand by and watch as their daughter screwed up her own life.I couldn's beleive what i had made my parents and Chase go threw for the past two years. I was a terrible person.

I sat up straighter and made a promise to myself. I would stop. I would stop my drug dealing and doing drugs. That was the second main problem in my life. Hopefully that would help. Also i would stop being a whore ans sleeping around. I would never go threw the pain again, of seeing my parents faces when i told them i was pregnant, again.I would stop being bulimic, and making my slef sick.

I promised myself i would stop this, but i couldn't stop smoking. That was just not an option righ now.

But there was one more thing i would stop. I would stop dwelling in the memory of Lucas. He had started the screw up and had made the first blows on the castle that represented me life. The next blows were made by me. But that one bloew, the rejection, had started it all. Some thing I will never forget.

I made myself another promise. I would forget about Lucas, the mate bond, and focus on making my life better, and fixing things with my parents. I would tottally ignore the mate bond and erase it from memory. Lucas was dead to me now.

I stood up and took a deap breath threw my mouth so i wouldnt have to smell Lucas' intoxicating scent. 'He's dead to you now, Shay.' I told myself. 'Remember the first blow. He made the first blow in the screw up. He's dead to you now.'

Now if i can only convince my wolf of that. i thought as i made my first steps down the stairs and my first steps towards my new life. Time to end the Screw Up.


Alrighty, so people. i am really happy on how the story is going. im not sure about this chapter though. comment and let me know what you guyes think. Next chapter will bethe reunion of Shay and Lucas. Hint HInt. lol.

And by the way, sorry for the short uploads. illl make them longer as the story goes on. :)

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