Chapter Five: The shift

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I couldn't believe it.

Bree was Lucas' girlfriend? How is that even possible. I mean Lucas knew that we used to be best friends until the fire and now she hates me. Is he that big of a douchebag that he goes dates his mates ex-best friend that now wants to shred her into a billion little pieces and roast over a fire then feed her to a bunch of hungry, poisonous platapus's? I just couldn't believe it.

I must have looked like a huge loser standing on the middle of the hallway and staring at the future alpha and my ex-best friend. I tried to act casual whilst quickly  hiding behind the closest corner and leaned against the wall. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Was this how it was going to be? Me not being able to handle being around Lucas and Bree? That every time I have to see them i'm going to run away like a baby. I couldn't live like that. This was definitely not the girl I was. Sure I ran away from my problems before, but I'm back now and I made a promise to change and i'm going to keep that promise.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and reopened my eyes. 'I could do this, I thought to myself. Just ignore them and pretend their a couple of random kids in the hallway. Just don't look at them and keep your eyes on your locker.' I stood straight and took one last deep breath and turned the corner.

I held my head high and looked straight at my locker. I kept my eyes locked on the little blue locker and resisted the urge to take a peek at my mate. This would be so much easier if they all wern't standing right beside my locker.

 I could feel people staring at me. I could heard the hushed voices of people whispering. They were probably talking about what happened in the office today with Bree's sister. 


Damn. I took a deep breath while silently cursing my not so good luck, and turned towards the voice. It was Jace Horthon. He looked about the same muscular jock he always was, just a little more facial hair and i think he grew a little taller. I couldn't be sure. I never really paid much attention to him. I was more focused on day dreaming about Lucas all the time. But now that I actually take a good look at him, he extremely good looking.

"Hey, Jace." I replied to him as casually as I could. He was standing next to all the popular kids, which of coarse involved Lucas and Bree. I looked over at them from the corner of my eye and saw Bree glaring at me and Lucas just looked uncomfortable.

"So Shay," Jace looked me up and down and nodded his head and smiled. "You clean up well." He pocked me in the rib and I tried not to grimace and shy away from him. I didn't like being poked. 

He frowned at me. Great, I had upset another person here. i didn't even know what the hell I did. He's the one who poked me!

"Shay what happened to you?" He asked me with a look of concern on his face, his eyebrows still a bit furrowed from frowning.

Wait, so he wasn't mad at me? Or is he just, like, bipolar or something.

"What do you mean?" I asked him. It should be all over school by now, the shy, quiet girl now back with a fierce attitude and a lot of problems.

"Shay, " He looked over at the popular kids who were watching us with curious eyes. "Uh, can I talk to you alone for a sec?'' I was just about to answer when a low growl rumbled from behind Jace.

"What do you need to talk to her for?" Lucas growled at Jace. What was he doing? For a second there I had totally forgotten about Lucas standing there. I was totally engrossed in my conversation with Jace.

"Dude, calm down." Jace shot at Lucas. "You sound like a jealous little git. Whats got your panties in a knot?"

I stifled a giggle and tried to hide it by coughing. Lucas glared at me and I could see the anger in his eyes. He was the future alpha, no one would dare to talk like that to him. Except Jace of coarse because, well, he just did. I would have to remember to ask him about that later. Oh and me, I could talk any way I wanted to him. He would be physically and mentally unable to hurt me. His wolf wouldn't allow him to.

Lucas was just about to answer but I cut him off, "Look guys, I don't want to cause problems in your guys's little bromance here, so I'm just going to dump my stuff in my locker and get out of here before you two start a little cat fight."

I pushed pass all the popular kids who were giggling at what I said and quickly threw my stuff into my locker, closed it and started walking away. But before I could get away, a hand grasped my arm and pulled me to a stop. I felt a little, tiny, minuscule, barely even there little tingle shoot up my arm.For a second I thought it was Lucas but if it was I would have felt a bigger shock and tingles that made my knees week. I turned around and was met with a beautiful pair of deep blue eyes. Jace.

I blinked and looked away, a slight blush appearing on my cheeks. What the hell? I don't blush.

"So you never answered my question." Jace said and looked at me.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk to him. He seemed to make weird reactions come out of me and that made me a little nervous.

"Uh," I blinked and looked past his shoulder, and saw Lucas and Bree making out against a locker. I felt something inside me shuffle around and I felt like I was going to be sick. "I'll meet you at the pool party tonight. OK?" I barely saw him not his head in confusion before I ran off and headed straight for the bathrooms.

I just made it before everything I had eaten in the past week came flowing violently from my mouth and disturbing the peaceful waters that were in the toilet bowl. I heaved and huffed as I threw up and when I finished, I flushed. I sat on the floor and put my head between my knees.

I regretted it immediately as that made my head hurt and my stomach churn. I leaned over and thought I was going to throw up again. I heaved but nothing came out. I could feel something in my throat. It was like something was stuck in my throat and the more I  tried to get it out, the more I choked and I could barely breathe.

Out of options, I did the only other thing I could think of. I stuck my finger down my throat and finally it came out. Well sorta. My tongue lagged from my mouth like a dog. Drool was dripping down from my mouth on my tongue and onto my hands. What. . ?

I jumped up and tried to scream. But nothing came out except a growl and a couple barks. I was shocked and scared. After I left, and after I was rejected, My wolf left me. She died from the rejection and I was left human. I felt my bones start to change and hair start to sprout all over my body. I was shifting for the first time in what seemed like forever. My wolf was coming back to me.

I felt so happy at that moment that I didn't notice the pain until my first bone broke. I screamed. More bones started breaking and it felt like my first shift all over again. Everything was burning and I could barely see past all the tears that were flowing from my eyes and down onto my muzzle. I fell to the flour and howled. 

My bones began reconstructing themselves and growing and shrinking into the shape of a wolf. 

After what seemed like hours it stopped. I laid on the floor huffing and puffing and out of breath. My muscles were sore and I prayed to god that no one had heard my screaming and growls. Shifting was serious business. No one was supposed to go through it alone. It was safer to have someone with you as well as the pack doctor in case something went wrong.

I knew of one person who had shifted alone and they ended up passing away a couple days later because of a defect in one of her bones.

For what seemed like hours, I laid on the bathroom floor. All my energy was drained and I could shift back. I was scared that it would hurt and honestly, I was freaked out that something had gone wrong. My wrist hurt so bad. It was stinging and I could barely keep the tears in.


My head wiped to the side and I heard footsteps come closer.


I didn't recognise the voice. Before I had time the react the bathroom door flew open and I prepared to attack.


Hey guys, so im soososososos sorry that I hvn't uploaded in a long time. My computer broke and the guy who fixed it is a jackass and had no idea what he was doing. So I hope this chapter clears up some of the questions about Shay's wolf, if not then I'll be writing more about it in the next couple chapters. So keep reading, vote and comment, fan me if you want, And deffinitly check out the banners off to the side thata super supportive fan, ProudlyNigeirian has made me and let me know what you think. 

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