Chapter 3: The reunion

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Growing up, i had heard all kinds of stories on mates and the beauty of the bond. I had grown up hearing how special it was. A once in a life time thing. One person who is meant for you and only you. Your other half.

Your soul mate.

The one person you could not live without. The one man that would protect you against anything, give up anything for you, and do anything to make you happy. Be my night in shinning armour.

Ever since i was young, i had dreamt of finding my mate. I would fantazise about meeting my one true love. Having my dream wedding at the perfect honey moon. Having babies, Living in a cute little house with a white picket fence. Every little girls dream.

But my dreams were crushed. Smashed into pieces and stomped on. ut inthalf by thousands of knives. Just like my heart. Broken un unreparable.

That one pitiful day. Octobre 5th. The day the screw up started. I will never forget that day. The day i lost the will to live. The day my heart broke beond repair.

That's what i had to keep reminding myself as i mafe my way down the staires. How much pain i felt. How much pain I had endured over the years. How much pain my parents had had to put up with because of me.

I remembered the promise i made myself. I would be a better person. No more drugs, and no more one night stands and getting pregnant.

As i approached the last couple steps i kept repeating this sentence in my head, 'He's dead to you.'

I reached the last step and took a deep breath. Here I go. Before I could chicken out i took the last step and turned the corner. I could fee the pull leading me towards the living room.

'He's dead to you.'

I heard voices as i got closer to the room. Right behind that wall was the man that screwed me up. For a minute I considered running back upstaires and pretending to be sick. I mean that wouldn't be complete lie. I did feel a little nausiouse and like i could throw up any minute. But i needed to be strong. Im needed to face this and move on with my life. And i needed to show him that i wasn't a coward and I could control my urges and the bond.

One last step and a 'He's dead to you,' i finally broke threw the dark hallway to the lighted up room. My eyes instantly landed on the most beautiful, stricking blue eyes that have haunted me in my dreams and basically ruined my life.

Just like the first time our eyes had conneted, i was lost in the beautiful blue and his extremly handsome face. I don't know how long i stood in the doorway of the living room, staring into my mates eyes, or should I say ex-mate.


i snapped out of lala land and reluctantly pulled my eyes away from Lucas'.

"Shay? Are you listning to me?" My mother asked me, giving me the look she always gave me when I was embarassing her and my family.

"Sorry mom. What were you saying?" I asked her. I was resisting the urge to look back at Lucas.

"Honey, you remember Alpha Erik Healy, his mate Elizabeth and their son Lucas. He will be taking over as Alpha in a couple weeks." My mother said to me, eyeing me up again, begging me not to embarasse them.

"Yes, of coarse." I said and shook the Alpha and his mates hand. Perposly skipping Lucas' outstreched hand. My father gave a little cough and mothoned for me to shake his hand. I begged him with my eyes to just leave it but he didn't know the whole story and probably just thought i was being rude. He ignored me and motioned with his head again. There was no getting put of it. I had to do it.

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