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"sorry, sorry, sorry i'm late," mil said, tying her apron around her waist. "i got held up at school."

"it's okay, mil." her boss said. mil grinned greatfuly and took her place at the register, placing her hands on the counter as she leaned forward. she heard that a lot of her other co-workers were in the back, along with her boss, so she decided to sneak another look at the note folded up in her pocket.

hey i think you look extra cute today (i'm saying extra because you're always cute), and i'd really enjoy it if we hung out sometime. love, your secret admirer xx.

she felt the colour rush to her cheeks as she read the note again. even though it was a short note, she was still incredibly happy that she had got it. she was what you would call an'outcast', meaning she didn't have many friends and was often ridiculed by her peers. her best friend was a boy named jax, who had stuck by her side since day one. they told each other everything, except for this. mil was reluctant to tell him because she was afraid it would open this whole can of worms about her love life, which she was very reluctant to talk about. jax would definitely tease her about the note, which would lead to him trying to guess who the note was from, which would almost certainly lead to him trying to find out who she liked. and no way in hell was that ever going to happen. 

she was surprised when she had opened her locker this morning, because a small note written on a piece of paper folded into a heart had fallen out of her locker right by her feet. when she picked it up, she was expecting to see a different name scrawled across the front, but she saw hers. she had eagerly opened it and read it, causing her heart to flutter. she had never thought that she would have a secret admirer, because of her 'social ranking'. she went through the entire day feeling happy and floaty, looking at the note every once in a while. if only she could know who it was--

"mil!" her boss barked. "pay attention!" 

"sorry, sir." she mumbled. the bell attached to the top of the door chimed cheerfully, and in walked five high school boys. she recognized all of them as seniors from her high school, and her heartbeat sped up. please don't be here, please don't be here, please don't be here. mil looked at the group of boys and recognized the different faces, however she couldn't see a few faces in the crowd. 

"we'll take two slices of pepperoni, one veggie, one hawaiian, and--" the boy paused, "dan? what do you want?" a boy looked up his from his phone, looked at the menu for a few seconds, and turned back to mil. 

"just a slice of cheese, thanks." he smiled. mil's heart skipped a beat and she blushed, looking down at the ground. are here.  mil thought. "anything else?"

"no," the first boy said, "i think we're good." 

"okay." mil said. "that'll be $12.50." she said, printing the receipt as the boy handed her cash. "have a nice day." she smiled, sneaking a look at daniel again.

"you too." dan smiled, walking away. mil grabbed their slices of pizza, warmed them up, put them into boxes, and slid them across the counter towards the chatty group. the boys grabbed their pizza and walked out.

"come back soon!" she called out after them, causing daniel to turn around and look at mil, then flash her a smile before walking out. mil sighed dreamily, placing her elbows on the counter and leaning forward.  "please come back..." mil whispered. she looked at her note that was lying on the counter and smiled again. she really hoped it was from dan, even though she kept telling herself that would never happen in a million years. the bell ringed again and jax walked inside, walking up to the counter. 

"gimmie my usual." he said, leaning up against the counter. 

"not even a hello?" mil said, acting like she was deeply offended as she warmed up the pizza slice. "rude."

"hi. there, are you happy now?"

"yes." mil laughed, handing him his pizza and a can of sprite. 

"you've been blushing." jax said as he took a bite. 

"what?" mil brought a hand up to her cheek and touched it. "no."

"yes, you have. mil, i know when you're lying." 

"well," she laughed quietly, "maybe just a little..."

locker notes ⚤ manielWhere stories live. Discover now