A New Surname?

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"PABLO!" Cries German jumping from his seat.

Oh no.

"German! German!" he is almost out the door, storming full speed ahead whilst I haven't even got off the sofa yet.

The door slams shut and I panic. I haven't told Pablo either! How the hell are they all going to react!

I quickly run around trying to grab everything. I'm trying to tie my lace but since I'm rushing it's very fumbled, causing me to fail and having to try again. After several minutes of repeated hectic failures, I decide not to rush and when I focus and don't rush I manage to do it immediately.

I grab my bag on the way out and slam the door.

Running down the road as fast as my legs could carry me my head swarmed with images of them fighting, German angry and Pablo confused. He would no doubt be very angry too when German accuses him of something untrue. It suddenly occurred to me that German could be there by now so I picked up my pace. I felt the chocolate in the pit of my stomach and felt sick.

Oh God what was I going to do?

Arriving at the studio I heard raised voices in the teachers lounge. I'm too late.

I ran in to a furious German and screaming Pablo.

"Who do you think you are?" yelled Pablo.

"I'm German Castillo, I'm a millionaire, I'm Angie's Boyfriend!"

"You don't think I know that? You act so obnoxious! You have her! Why keep this up!" cries Pablo.

I was going to interject but I froze.

"I didn't do it to hurt you! You did propose though and that's ridiculous when she's dating me!"

Both men sound on the edge of tears but they are also screaming like madmen. I'm not sure if they are going to cry in a moment or rip the others head off. I'm such a terrible person.

"I would never!" yells Pablo.

"Well you did!" screamed German.

"Never!" cried Pablo "Why would I?"

"Because you love her!" screams German infuriated.

"Correct German I love her!" He cries, "Want to know who she loves? Cause it isn't me!"

German goes quiet. I remain frozen. They clearly don't know I'm here.

"Fine." he says at a normal volume, but with a harsh tone, "Let's just talk. I need answers."

"Well you're not going to get any here!" said Pablo throwing his arms in the air.

"Why not?" asked German, his steely gaze fixated on Pablo.

"Because I don't have any. I have no idea who proposed to Angie." Pablo sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Guys.." I manage to whisper.

"Angie." said Pablo startled.

"How long have you..?" started German but he stopped what he was saying.

"Long enough." I reply.

Both of them have their eyes locked on me. I need to hug them. They won't both hug me at the same time and choosing one over the other first could cause disaster. I remain there for a moment wondering what to do when the door swings open just behind me.

"There she is!" Oh God.

Rafa drapes his arm over my shoulder and I freeze. German and Pablo watch in awe. Rafa just smiles at me.

"How is the future Mrs Rafa Palmer?"

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