A Tiring Day

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As Olga, German and I collected dishes, Violetta bid farewell to the last few people.

It had been a long night.

They all recorded fairly quickly so German was able to produce the track almost immediately. He gave everyone their own copy and made several other copies for us to keep. Violetta took one immediately, so she could keep one as her own.

German was glad everyone had a good night. As we packed away he was telling us his plans for recording. He intended on producing a CD that was just Violetta singing, it would be mostly her own songs but she would also sing some of Maria's songs. I look forward to her singing them. She sings so much like her mother that I know it will sound just like Maria. German looks forward to it, but I also know it will hurt. It will always hurt.

After today, German also decided that he wanted to produce a separate CD with Violetta's friends from the studio. He intends on talking more about this with Antonio and Pablo so he can really make the most of this project. Everyone was really excited about the project and even Ludmilla has agreed to be co-operative if she is allowed to participate. She will be taking part, but will be kept on a tight leash.

Fran also mentioned to German if Luca could participate as he would like to sing and his voice isn't bad, but he never got to attend a music school like the studio, so never had the same opportunities. German sympathises with this and I'm sure Luca will join the group very soon.

After German had told us all of these plans, we decided we really needed our rest, after all we still have tomorrow to get through before the weekend.

I showered first and when I came out German still was not ready to get in. He was listening to the CD. I glared at him for a moment as he listened to the end of the line but then he stopped it and went to shower. The man is like an excited child!

When we got into bed, I was tired and ready to fall asleep but as German pulled me against him, he began to speak.

"Angie..." he says as he holds me tightly.

"Yes.." I say quietly as I'm falling to sleep and don't want to be awake long.

"I thought it would be nice to give Pablo a copy of the CD. I put one in your bag for you to give him. As a thank you. He deserves it don't you think?"

I nod, but yawn as my fatigue grows, "Great Idea..." I say yawning, "So nice....Love you."

"I love you to Angie, I need to ask you something too, something that's been on my mind, I was wondering..."

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