A Bridesmaid Plan

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The next morning was perfect and I was so happy. Violetta and I left early so we could talk on the way to the studio and still get there at a time Violetta was happy with.

"I knew this would happen." says Violetta happily.

"Knew what would happen?"

"You and my Dad. The two of you are perfect together, you always have been!" She says skipping beside me.

"I'm glad you are happy with this!" I say smiling. Violetta accepting it means the world to me.

"Happy?" she says, "I'm ecstatic! I mean you'll be getting married! I love weddings! I can be a bridesmaid! Oh can Cami and Fran be bridesmaids as well? Oh and Naty! That's a great idea don't you think?"

I'm laughing, "It's a lovely idea Violetta but you can't just be a bridesmaid."

"Why not?" says Violetta hurt.

"Because you have to be the maid of honour, you have to be the main bridesmaid."

Violetta jumps on me. "Yes!" she screams, "That's even better!"

Once she gets off me we continue to walk to school and we discuss everything. Violetta wants to know the colour theme, dress ideas, schedules, dates, everything we will need to know she asks about. Most answers are 'I don't know yet' because I got proposed to yesterday and I haven't had time to consider most of the things she is saying.

There are only two things I am positive on. Violetta will be my maid of honour and German is the one I will be marrying. I haven't thought about anything else.

Luckily however we arrive at the studio so Violetta doesn't have time for anymore questions. She immediately runs over to her frineds and I wave as I do everyday but today they all run up to me.

"Congratulations!" says Leon.

"It's great news." says Francesca.

"I hope you are happy." says Naty.

"Congrats Angie. It's going to be great for you!" says Maxi.

Broduey, Andres, Napo and all the others then add in their congratulations. The girls begin to ask questions about the wedding too.

"I'm just going to say it." said Cami, "Please can I be a bridesmaid?"

I had to smile, "Of course!"

"Hey!" says Fran, "If she's being a bridesmaid then can I be one?"

"Of course!" I say and see a smile spread across both their faces.

Naty stands at the side of them looking at her feet.

"Do you want to be my final bridesmaid Naty?" I ask.

"Me?" she says shocked, "Yes! I'd love to!"

With that the three girls hugged me and Violetta jumped in screaming "Maid of Honour coming through!"

We were all laughing and I would have loved to continue the conversation but I had to get ready for class so I went to the staffroom. I was buzzing from the conversation.

I was humming to myself as I entered the staffroom. Pablo sat in there alone. I really need to pick my times better.

"You seem hap-" he says but stops himself when he looks up and sees me.

I look down at my ring and notice how bright it is in the light, you really can't miss it.

Pablo stands up and straightens his suit, "I believe congratulations are in order."

"Pablo..." I say, not wanting things to be awkward.

"No... Angie, I'm glad you're happy. I want you to be happy."

"You do?" I ask sadly. Pablo is being weird.

"Yes I do. I would like to be the one to make you happy. If I can't though, then I'm glad someone is."

I looked at Pablo and saw his eyes were brimming with tears.

"If you will excuse me." he says as he heads towards the door.

"Congratulations." he says as the door shuts behind him.

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