A Dress

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We had been in the dress shop all morning and I was bored.

My mother had told me that the Bride's dress had to be the last one we chose so we had to choose the bridesmaid dresses first.

This was a painstaking task, especially as all the girls had clashing styles. All had an initial idea of the design they were looking for, but everyone's idea was completely different. The major argument was colour. Everyone had there style choices.

Violetta wanted purple.

Fran wanted white.

Cami wanted blue.

Naty wanted red.

There was no in between.

In the end everyone agreed that I should choose the colour theme, so I scanned the available colours.

I could understand why Violetta wanted purple there were some lovely soft purples and some bold ones too and they were in such unique designs. No doubt would they be beautiful alongside a white wedding gown.

Near the purples were the most amazing selection of dresses in white, cream and pearl. It was no wonder Fran liked the colour. The designs were elegant and sophisticated, I just knew they would be stunning.

Then I saw the blues, there were sky blues;baby blues; ocean blues; neon blues and navy blues. I have never seen so many shades of one colour and they were breath-taking! Imagining them at my wedding was easy, they seemed perfect.

Red gowns were near the blue ones. They hung down on the hangers and they flowed so beautifully. The crimson red was eye-catching and very gorgeous. It reminded me of roses which I thought would go beautifully with them. Maria always loved roses, especially red ones.

I was almost completely convinced to go with red as it reminded me of Maria until the row of pink dresses caught my eye. Some were extravagant and over the top but some of the shades were beautiful. The colours were subtle but perfect.

I looked along them and noticed the most beautiful collection of dresses in a shade of pink that brought a smile to my face. The dresses were the same soft shade of pink as the carnations German got me when we visited the farmers market, which was basically our first date. I knew that shade was perfect then.

When I told them my decision everyone was quite happy and since there were only around ten designs in the shop in the colour I figured the decision would be easy. Apparently not.

The girls insisted on trying on every dress and making a voting system so they could decide on which was best. I agreed but I didn't realise it would take so long.

They finally were now counting up the votes and they came to agree on the dress they all adored. That dress happened to be the first one they tried on. TYPICAL.

It was a beautiful chiffon dress in my carnation colour. Just knee-length, with pleats and a small flower embellishment. The sweetheart neckline is what really pulled the dress together though. It was stunning.

As they had finished it was now my turn to select a dress and with the girls and my mother refusing to take their eyes off me, I was worried.

I browsed along the dresses and picked up a few to examine them further. Everyone told me to just try some on, even if they were not amazing, so I could get an idea of what I wanted. I had no idea what I wanted but I just knew that I would be able to tell when I'd found the perfect dress.

Then I saw it.

Hanging at the end of one of the rails was the most stunning dress I had ever seen.

It was a column dress that went all the way to the floor. A small silver strap was around the middle of the lace dress, that was absolutely flawless. The lace made it elegant and the design was just breath-taking. Immediately I lifted it up and  went to try it on.

I was anxious as I put it on. This was the one that I had noticed, the one I thought would be the perfect one. But what if it wasn't? What if it didn't suit me at all?

I took a deep breath as I stepped out of the changing room.

Everyone gasped when they saw me and tears pricked my mothers eyes.

"That one is perfect." says Cami.

"You look beautiful." adds Naty.

"Angie, this is the one." prompts Fran.

Violetta runs up and hugs me. Smiling, she says, "You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen."

My mother comes to join us and we all hug.

Then the shop assistant comes over.

"Miss Carrara, you look stunning. Now, lets show you what you look like!"

She lead me over to a wall where a mirror was covered with a cloth. There are several mirrors in the shop but they are all kept covered for effect and now I was waiting for her to show me what I looked like.

I really hoped the dress would be perfect.

She pulled away the cloth.

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