A Show

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It was audition day and everyone was buzzing! Everyone had performed their songs and all of my classes songs were chosen! It was really exciting for everyone but there was one issue. Only one couple could play the lead role. It was Tomas and Leon for the boys part and Violetta and Ludmilla for the girls part.

Antonio decided that he would select the girls part and the boys part by using different songs all together.

Tomas and Leon would have to sing a new song called 'One more Time' which would be performed by the boy after he ruins it with the girl. He sings about his regret of losing her.

Violetta and Ludmilla would have to sing a song some of the other girls wrote called 'I don't know'. It's all about how she feels after the boy and her fall out.

Everyone agreed to it so Antonio said we would do it immediately and I was really excited. Since I'm related to Violetta, I'm not allowed to vote, not even for the boys, as my vote could be biased.

I was allowed to watch however and the boys did really well. Tomas performed first and he sung well, everyone clapped at the end except for Leon. He still hates Tomas. He probably wasn't too happy that Violetta clapped him, but she and Tomas have made up, so she is going too.

Leon was up immediately after and of course he did brilliantly. Neither Tomas or Ludmilla clapped for him but Violetta clapped so much, nobody could tell the difference. Violetta jumped straight into Leon's arms when he came down and congratulated him. I could tell Leon wasn't too bothered about Tomas after that.

Then it came to the girls song and Ludmilla went first. Admittedly she is an amazing singer and did perform well but I just know Violetta is going to knock it out of the water.

When Violetta was called up, she quickly hugged Leon before running on stage. The music began and you could see how happy she was.

'If you wanna know

how I feel,

'bout things now

I just don't know what to say.

If you wanna know all my doubts.

I don't know what you expect,

things just haven't been the same,

I watch things change everyday.

You can't say all of it was down to me,

everything has changed but you've said nothing,

it was just as much down to you,

so what can you say?

I'm not even sure anymore...'

She only had to sing the first verse and chorus so the music stopped after that. Everyone was applauding. I'm not sure who was loudest, me or Leon. It really didn't matter though because she was fantastic and I was absolutely positive she would get the lead.

I was expecting Antonio to announce his selected leads immediately but instead we all stood there for around ten minutes. After we could wait no longer, Antonio finally had something to say.

"That was excellent everyone. It really was. It has been decided on one person to play the lead role, but I cannot decide who will lead beside them. So for now, please go back to your lesson for the last ten minutes before lunch and we will announce the selected leads as soon as possible."

Everyone nodded and went back to lessons rather anxious with the wait, but I was rather happy, because in ten minutes I would be getting a surprise!


I don't usually add these in the middle of the story because they annoy me but I thought I would say that the song that Violetta sings from in this story is not a song you will recognise. It is a song me and two of my friends wrote for a music assignment. It has complete lyrics and music and is a complete song that we composed. I thought it would be nice to include it here!

I have been getting lots of lovely comments about the series so far so thanks so much :)

I seriously hate these things in the middle of stories though so I probably won't do one again.


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