rabbit toby x wolf EJ part 3

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I don't care about spelling and grammar so don't fucking correct me because, if I did give a shit, I would have changed it by now if I did. It's really fucking annoying.

The morning soon came the sun shined through the window onto two sleeping hybrids. One of which was woken by this. He sat up and looked down and saw a small sleeping figure snuggled up next to him and the events of the day before came back to him. He smiled petting rabbit hybrid next to him. He soon started to wake up. He looked up at EJ then remembered what happened and started to blush. "Good morning sweetheart." EJ perred(wait isn't he a wolf)

"M-morning" Toby replied still remembering what happen hours before. Suddenly a look of fear washed across his face and ears dropping. "What's wrong? Toby, you look like you just saw a ghost." Even asked worried. "Oh god oh god ho god. My dad is going to kill me." Toby said his hand in his hair (bu dum ts) and ears flat against his head.

"Why would he do that Toby? Did you do something wrong." Even questioned confused about why Toby's dad would even want to kill him. "I didn't come home yesterday that's why!" Toby said stating to cry "so? Just tell him what happened I'm sure he will understand ."EJ said wile petting Toby's head. "He wouldn't care if I was hit by a car even if I was home on time. He doesn't care. If I'm home a minute later I'm in big trouble let alone a whole night!!" Toby cried scared for his life. "H-he hasn-t cared I-in years." Even sat there confused. 'Why wouldn't Toby's dad not care for him.'Ej though. "W-what happen? Why doesn't your dad care for you?" EJ asked looking down at the frightened figure in front of him. "H-he's a alcoh-holic and an abusive one at that-t." At those words it all clicked. Why Toby had so many scars ,cuts and bruises ,why he was often late to school and why he was sort of in a rush yesterday. A feeling of anger started to well up inside him. How could eny one hurt this adorable marshmallow.

"Grrrrr That bitch isn't coming eny were near you." E.J growled not liking the idea of someone hurting Toby. His Toby. "W-what?" Toby said with tear filled eyes. "I said he isn't coming eny where near you. For as long as I live he won't lay a hand on you." Even said through gritted teeth. "P-promise?" Toby asked a small glimmer of hope shon in his eye." I swear on my life." He said before he kissed Toby...

Time skip brought to you by my asshole brother.

Toby watch the clock tick waiting for the bell to ring. The sound he was waiting for Soon came signalling that all the students could leave. All the students began to Pack up they're stuff .Toby quickly finished Packing up his stuff.He quickly left the building and went up to a tree where are you Evan was waiting for him." How was your day sweetheart?" Evan asked. "Good." Toby replied as his phone started to buzz. "Who is it ?" Even asked a slight feeling of jealousy in him. Toby sighed. "It's my mum she's been calling me all day asking me where I am and why I didn't come home last night." Toby said looking at his phone...

"Tobes Erin Rodgers!!"

Cliffhanger because I'm a bitch and well... actually that's the only reason

577 words

Ender out

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