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I don't care about spelling and grammar so don't fucking correct me because, if I did give a shit, I would have changed it by now if I did. It's really fucking annoying.

Ticcimask again... fuck off its my otp btw there might be a few thing in Tim's P.O.V about how other people are in relationships that could offend people and i just want to clarify i don't think this way its just in this story he has very high standards for relationships.

Tim's P.O.V (It's 23rd of December btw)

Its been a almost year since Toby and I got together and I have never been happier

After the whole marble hornets incident I was miserable nothing seemed enjoyable any more, but when Toby came around I began to smile more even if it was behind a mask and I began to enjoy life again.  and now I hardly frown unless Toby is hurt mentally or physically.

So I want to skip the Christmas party L.J is throwing and spend time with my lover and maybe have some fun with him but there are two problems. one I want to get him two gifts one for Christmas and one for our anniversary but I don't know what to get him not because I'm a bad lover that cant tell what his lover likes but because of problem two I think he has been avoiding me I say I think because Hoodie has been hanging out around me a lot and he and Toby haven't been getting along for a few months.

I've tried asking Toby about it but he plays dumb every time and pretends he has no idea what I'm talking about, But today is day I'm going to get the truth out of him even if it's by force. Hopefully it won't come that.

But there's no time to worry about that. I mean I'm standing right in front of his door.

Third person

Masky stood outside Toby's door. He decided to just open the door under the logic of 'there's nothing that I haven't seen.' Well he was wrong. He walked in on something he never thought he would see Toby doing. someone else? no. He honestly would of preferred that. He stood there ,unnoticed, watching Toby dragging his hatchet across his arm, leaving deep cuts that poured blood from his arm to the floor, that mixed with the waterfall of tears coming from his eyes.(how Fucking cliché am I)

Within a heart beat he had ran over to Toby and ripped the hatchet from his hand, pulling Toby from his self loathing thoughts and back to reality. Where He was faced by a angry but crying Tim. A sight that confused him but after realising why His usually kind and loving boyfriend was angry then bought a seance of dread and fear. Fear of what his lover would say.

Though he didn't have long to guess before Masky started screaming at him." WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TOBY. WHY AR- Toby? TOBY!"

Thought that wasn't the reason he didn't have time to worry. the real reason was he went a bit over bored with the cutting and as a result ended passing out from blood loss. sending Masky into a panic(for a second I thought I wrote Picnic as in the picnic chocolate... I'm very hungry)

Masky quickly picked Toby up and rushed down stairs to fined E.J playing Pokemon let's go Eevee on Ben's Limited edition Pokemon Nintendo switch With Ben(guess what I got for Christmas)

"E.J!" Masky called getting his attention. Jack Quickly turned around to see Masky with a unconscious and still bleeding Toby. The game was forgotten in a instant and E.J was dragging Masky ,with Toby still in his arms, down to the infirmary.

"What the hell happened to him!?" E.J asked as hen opened the door to the infirmary. "I don't know!" Masky said, choosing to lie for Toby's sake, as he put Toby on the Bed. "Well we can ask him when he wakes up, But for now could you please leave the room. I'll call you when I'm done." E.J asked, gabbing some bandages from a cabinet. "Alright" Masky said after a moment of hesitation and left the room.

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