Brim for MH 10 year

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I don't care about spelling and grammar so don't fucking correct me because, if I did give a shit, I would have changed it by now if I did. It's really fucking annoying.

No P.O.V

'Why. Why did it have to end up like this?' Tim thought as he sat in an abandoned cabin, contemplating life. How had it gone so wrong? It seemed like just yesterday he was living a normal life, yet the hell he just endured seemed to of lasted a million years.

He had been praying for it to end since the beginning but not like this. He would do anything to get even one of them back, but there was one he wanted back more than the others.

What he wouldn't give to see him again, hear his voice one more time, gaze into those beautiful emerald eyes before they closed for eternity. One more minute was all he asked for. A chance to tell him how he felt.

But he also didn't want to hear his response, he didn't want the last thing he heard from him to be him getting rejected, or, even if he thought it was never happen, what if he returned his feelings. Then he would have to live with the knowledge that if he had spoken up sooner he could have been with the one he loves, but life would never be so merciful.

No. He was stuck here, getting swallowed by regret, guilt and grief. And he had to deal with it all alone. Oh how he wished that the one who had been there for him for so long was there to give him a shoulder to cry on. He wish he wasn't sitting on that bed alone


Tim stood quickly and hesitantly reached for his gun but as his hand touched it a thought came to his mind 'Would death be so bad? At least I might have a chance at seeing them again... see him.' Tim pulled his hand away from the weapon and walked to the door. He might as well find out who or what made that crash.

He slowly opened the door and walked down the stairs. "Hello!" Tim called into the seemingly empty room, the moon was lighting the room surprisingly well and seemed to be a perfect spotlight for source of the crash and Tim's most treasured possession.

A photo. It seemed so child to Tim, but it was the only thing he had left of the one he loved. The two looked so happy in the photo and they were, and Tim treasured that memory.

So you can imagen the pain he felt when he saw it smashed on the floor. In and instant he ran over to it in tears. The glass in the frame and tore the picture and even if it could have been salvaged after that there was no hope with the blood of whoever broke it.


Tim was snapped out of his trance by a small sound and Tim fell his blood boil, he was going to find out what made the crash and if it was an intruder, he would just let them kill him. But the key word in that frais is WAS, but they destroyed the only thing he had left of his best friend.

Now he was going to make this person pay, but before he could even think about standing up, he felt two strong comforting arms wrap around him. It felt so familiar and he didn't know why until,

"I've missed you, Tim"

In that moment the anger left Tim in an instant and more tears fell from his eyes. It wasn't possible right he was hallucinating, yeah that was it there was no way he was alive. Right?

"What you aren't going to say anything back." The voice whispered in his ear before pinning him to the ground. and stared into Tim's dark brown eyes with his own green ones. It was him. The one Tim missed so dearly.


Part two soon I just wanna get this out before midnight in my country because 20/6/19 is marble hornets 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY and it like 12:55 on the 20/6/19 soo

Word count 677

Ender out

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