chapter 7

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Dean stood there for a long time, he didn't even know how long exactly, watching Dawn. She didn't seem to realize that he was here, she just stared blankly at the tree. He noticed her small actions and tried getting a better look at her face. She's like a child, scared of her own shadow; he realized, looking back. Can I consider her as one of my peers?

She finally stood and turned, facing him. Her eyes widened slightly before she relaxed. "Dawn, you've seem to be a little," he searched for the right words. "On edge lately."

She tilted her head to the left. "Have I?" Her voice said one thing though her eyes said another. "I've been having a blast, really." She wouldn't of been staring at a tree for hours if something wasn't wrong. Something's definitely on her mind.

"Dawn," he sighed while running a hand through his hair. "Something's wrong, and don't lie to me. I can tell when one of my childhood friends is lying." He managed to smirk.

She shook her head. "Nothing's wrong, I swear!" Why is she insisting on lying? Not like I'm going to bite her head off.

"Fine. Just know if that their is anything on your mind you can come talk to me." With nothing else needed to be said, he walked back inside. He could hear the television from the other room reporting on a possible homicide case in the area. When did this place go downhill? He looked at the cupcake and apple sitting on the counter and snatched up the apple. When he was about to take a bite he heard footsteps. Turning around, he smiled. "Oh. Hey Nadia."

Reaching back, he grabbed the cupcake. "What did she say?"

Sighing, he then shook his head. "Insists that nothing's wrong." He handed her the cupcake. "Something's definitely wrong though." Dean took a bite of the bitter sweet apple.

She unpeeled the tin foil that protected the cupcake. "We're still family, Dean." She bit into the frosting covered treat.

"I'm agreeing with you actually."

The back door opened and Dawn glanced between the two of them with eyes that resembled that of a doe. Though lately he noticed the doe look was seeping from her face. "What's going on?" She seems fidgety, nervous. Am I just overseeing things? "Why you crowded in the kitchen?"

Nadia raised her half eaten cupcake. "Just grabbing a little snack." She bit into her snack to prove her point.

Dean nodded. "Yep." He smirked. "Roommates get hungry too you know."

Dawn pulled the fridge open and pulled a bottle out. His eyes widened when he saw the name printed on the bottle. "Dawn, are you," he thought he would be point blank. "Are you drinking my alcohol?" He noted that his tone raised slightly.

She read the label before observing the contents of inside. Looking up at Dean, she gave him the puppy dog eyes. "Can I please-"

He didn't let her finish. "The answer is no!" Definitely raised my voice that time; he winced. "You can't drink this, it's meant more for people with a high alcohol tolerance."

He tried snatching the bottle out of her hand but she held it out of his reach. "Then I'll get one by drinking this." Dawn glared at him. "You can't just protect me forever."

He froze, looking her in the eyes. "No, I can't protect you forever, but when I'm gone one of these days your going to be wishing I had."

It was her turn to freeze, her eyes wide and slowly becoming watery. A few seconds passed and he knew for certain that he was being engulfed in flames. "Wish and it will come true." She popped off the cap, took a large gulp of his drink, and walked away in huff. He winced when the slam of a door echoed through the house.

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