chapter 15

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Dawn sat down at her desk, tapping the tip of the pen to her pursed lips. What should I write? She stared down at the blank page, trying to will the words upon to the page. There was so much that happened that she had no idea what to write first. It shouldn't be that hard, should it? I mean, I did it all the time before.

But that was before. This is now. She began writing about the shopping area, making sure to include little details like how bright and cheerful the decorations in the windows. Every now and then she would have to reach into her drawer and pull out a new blank sheet to continue her writing. Her ending was about the present, and the questions that floated unanswered in her head. Picking up the decent amount of work, she skimmed over the papers.

Dear Diary,

I know this isn't my regular journal, and I know have written in a while but I have good reasons for this. It all started with that fateful afternoon in the mall, with the dazzling decorations and colorful lights. You would have thought it had started with the accident, or me losing my memory, but I believe that maybe it was sheer coincidence that all this is happening to me. Maybe if I never ran from the mall and ended up at the bridges or the houses, then maybe this would never happen. Or maybe it would have, and I'm just trying make up excuses. All I know is something's going on, and I'm going to figure even if it kills me.

First off, I learned that the journal was the key to all the answers, though I could never learn those answers. Then, the threats. I had these were jokes, pranks to scare me, but as more happened I saw around me. Someone has there eyes on me, and I believe that they've something to with the my accident. This person is also the same person who murdered Ashton's Mother, which I something I can never forget till the day I die.

No, I know out to get me, or was out to get someone in this house until I became there new target. Or maybe I was always there target, it's just another thing I will never know, I guess. I've seen so much, and I don't what I was like before, but I know who I am now. And this me refuses to run away from this creep, this coward, who came in the middle of the night with a knife, the same knife he used to tack a threat to the tree today. That's another thing I won't be able to forget for a long time, if ever.

I also know I'm not alone here. I have Nadia and Dean, otherwise known as my family, if I so need them. But I want to do this alone, so I won't ask, and I won't even tell them, because I care too much about them. If I do need help, I have Rachael, who could be something more than friends. I hope so anyway, she seems nice, maybe she was nice in the past too. They're all nice, and I want to keep them safe.

Mixed feelings ran through her body as she read through her work. It was then she realized how much she had really progressed. She admitted that their was still blanks, and a lot of questions left unknown, but their was also plenty she knew too. A soft smile was on her face. I am Dawn Grantsfield, and no one will tell me otherwise.

She stapled the papers together and set them on her desk before pushing her chair out and standing up. A chime rang through her room. Is that my phone? She lunged for it and scrambled to hit the answer button. "Hello, this is Dawn speaking."

A deafening scream made her blood run cold. "Who is this?" Her hands were shaking as she brought the handset closer to her ear. Instead of an answer, she heard another cry of pain. A cry so familiar that it almost brought her to tears. "Rachael," she breathed out.

Shuffling, then heavy breathing on the other line. "If you ever want to see her alive again, then come." She could picture a male grinning devilishly. "Hurry up." The line went dead.

The window shattered as soon the click faded and she jumped before peering out the broken glass. "What is going on here?" Dawn crouched down and picked up a bullet shell. Still warm, she gulped and crawled towards the window.

At first she saw what she always saw. Then she dared herself, and leaned out of the broken glass, and noticed a faint glint of light. The reflection of a gun, she shivered, no longer minding the glass that pierced the palms of her hands. This is it. I'm finally going to end this. With that in mind, she left her room and practically ran downstairs.

"Oof!" She ran head on into something and fell back to the ground. "Ow, ow, ow." Dawn rubbed the back of her head and opened her eyes. "Nadia!" Her eyes widened. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?!"

Nadia nodded, rubbing her head as well. "Yeah, I'm okay." Her gaze cut deep inside of Dawn. "Why are you in such a rush?" What should I say? She tried coming up with an excuse. I can't tell her I'm going after a possible murderer. I'd look insane!

"I'm just going out for a walk." She mentally sighed in relief. Please don't be suspicious. Please don't ask questions. She mentally begged and prayed.

"Oh." Nadia smiled. "Why don't I come with you then?" Dawn's heart dropped. How am I going to get out of this one? She realized she was still sitting on the floor and stood.

"I was sort of hoping I could take a walk alone." Her voice dropped a tone as she went numb. Don't think. She was met with a look of disappointment. Rachael needs you right now. "Sorry," Dawn helped Nadia up before darting into the kitchen and out the back door.

Where to next? She walked across the yard and opened the gate. There were no signs to follow, no trails, nothing. How am I going to do this? She stepped onto a large branch. A bullet whizzed past her ear, just scraping the skin.

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