chapter 18

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Setting down her unconscious body, he went back to close the door behind him. "Are you ready Princess? Because I am." Walking past the stroller with the awe struck infant, he opened a drawer and felt around its contents. It's got to be around here somewhere, he knew he put the candles and lighter in this drawer.

where is it? He felt around some more. It has to be in here. He grabbed onto something. There it is! Pulling out the candles, he set them onto what he believed was a desk. Now for the lighter, he continued searching through the drawer. Ah, here it is, he grabbed onto the metallic lighter and stashed it away into his pocket.

"Now for the decor." He said to himself before snatching the candles off of the desk and began to arrange them in a circle around Celine. When he finished, he pulled out his lighter and went around the circle, lighting every single candle. The white candles and flickering lights were admiring, but that's not the reason why he was down here today. Stopping in front of her, he could see her face, which looked like a broken angel.

He stared at her limp figure highlighted by the candle light. Dreams really do come true, she was perfectly illuminated. Like the Princess she is. Running his eyes up and down her body, he sighed. Something's missing, but what?

A grin grew on his face. Of course, he walked back over to the desk and grabbed a knife he had wedged in earlier in what he thought was wood. Yanking out the knife, he approached her, observed, picturing the cut that would decorate her body. Then, in one precise move, he slashed at her midsection.

The gash was perfect, not too deep into her hip. Perfection at best. He looked over at the infant, who stared at her. His blood heated up at the sight of the child. "This is what happens to people who let demons like you live." He spat in the baby's direction.

"Are you happy that you're responsible for another life?" He glared. "Are you happy you ruined mine?!" He was practically shouting now.

The child ignored him and continued staring. The last of his nerves snapped. "Are you pleased that you took the love of my life away from me?" He said through gritted teeth, his eyes burning. The infant didn't even blink.

He screamed in frustration, the memories of that day again replaying through his head. "You can't die, our child needs us." Tears dripped from his eyes down to his cheeks. Clenching both his fists, he faced Celine and shut his eyes. "This is for you."

Dean made his way down the tunnel, keeping one hand to the wall. She has to still be here. Whoever did this couldn't have taken her that far. A shout made him pause. Was that Dawn?

Following the noise, he listened closely, hoping for another cry, or anything. His wish was met with a scream that pierced the air and he shook his head slightly. No, that's not Dawn. Is their more people down here? His blood began to boil at the thought of more people like Rachael, like Dawn.

I think I'm near whoever screamed. Picking up the pace, he once again listened to his steady footsteps. Find Dawn, possibly help the person who's screaming, and punch this guy in the face for trying to kill her. He could already feel the man's flesh on his knuckles. No, focus on saving Dawn. Then go after this guy once she's safe.

His hand rubbed against something splintery before touching something metallic. A door? He grabbed and twisted the metal. Pulling open the door slightly, he peeked inside. Gripping onto the wood, he gritted his teeth. Stay away from her you creep.

He watched as the man stepped back, and his blood turned hot to cold. What has he done to you? Dawn's condition was so horrid that it was hard to look at her. He glared inside.

I've Got to play this smart, he noted the knife in the man's hand. Or else we'll both end up dead. The man tilted his head and observed her with hatred burning in his eyes. Though Dean's focus was now concentrated on the knife, which had fresh blood dripping from the blade. But without a weapon i'm as good as dead. He felt the ground around him with his foot. Of all my luck, nothing.

The clang of metal got his attention. Perfect, he opened the door just enough so he could slip inside. The flickering light in the room concealed him enough to sneak up behind the man. Quietly, he reached down for the knife and suddenly froze, pain shattering the left side of his body. Looking up, he gritted his teeth. My mistake, he stared up at the man's face.

He smirked before yanking the knife out of his shoulder, pointing the blade drenched with his and her blood at Dean. Am I going to die? He half imagined that this was just a bad dream, that he would wake up in his bed, safe from harm. Yet the pain felt so real. If agony won't wake me up, what will?

He glanced over at Dawn. "I'm so sorry," he lowered his head slightly. "I failed you." A sharp jab to the side and he crashed into the floor. His vision swam, but he could make two things out. The figure of the man, and his burning eyes that were now targeting him.

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