chapter 17

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Dean heard the glass shatter and jumped out of bed. It took a few minutes for the shock to leave his body for him. That came from down the hall. He watched as Dawn passed his room, but thought nothing of it. Instead, he walked out of his room and down the hallway, following the noise. Here, he paused in front of Dawns room.

Glancing over, he bit his lip. Should i really be going into her room? When he got a closer look of her room from the hallway he knew the answer. Taking a few steps forward, he slowly looked around the room. "What on Earth," He trailed off.

The glass was pecking his toes, but that was not what he noticed first. It was the broken window. Walking over the broken glass, he looked out the window. "Dawn?" He thought he saw her black hair disappear behind the trees. Pulling his head back inside, he started towards the door when he stepped on something hard.

Wincing, he stepped back, and froze. bending down, his hand hovered over the bullet. He cautiously picked up the bullet before glancing at the window. Why did someone shoot at her window? A shot rang through the air. Dawn! He jogged out the door and down the stairs.

"Nadia, it's Dawn!" Dean practically ran into her.

"Calm down." She held up her hands. "What's wrong with Dawn?"

He panted. "I think somebody's trying to kill Dawn." He held the bullet up between his nails.

"Then what are we waiting for, let's go!" She grabbed his wrist and started pulling him to the front door.

"No, she went out the back door!" Escaping from her grasp, he bolted into the kitchen and out the back door. Where did she go? He passed the gate and peered into the woods. Another shot pierced the darkness.

Throwing down the bullet and he began running in the direction of the noise. Hold on Dawn, i'm coming, he clenched both hands. Jumping over a branch, he closed his eyes. I'm here for you, no matter what. Pressing his nails into the flesh of his palms, he opened his eyes.

He could see a clearing, where the trees parted. With an extra burst of energy, he sprinted faster. Crossing the clearing, he stopped, and turned around. Did I lose Nadia? He squinted his eyes, but saw no movement. Turning around, his heart practically stopped.

An old abandoned train station, he gulped. Dawn must of gone in here, but why? He took a step closer towards the entrance. It's not like her to run off and do this sort of thing without reason, the thought floated in his head. Then again, I thought I knew her pretty well.

Dean sighed. Why can't i just let that go? Running his hand through his hair, he took another step closer towards the entrance. Dawn let it go, I thought it go. so why am I still upset about it? His thoughts were interrupted as something crashed into him.

"don't run off like that!" Nadia's tone was raised slightly. "We're not trying to run off on a suicide mission."

"Right, sorry." He kept his gaze on the entrance. "I just hope she's okay." I really do.

"I hope so too." Her voice became hushed.

Walking inside, he wrinkled his nose, disgusted. Nothing out of the ordinary here, he approached the rail and peered down. His eyes landed on a table, blood splattered over the wood. Am I too late? The thought made his blood run cold. I can't be to late, he scanned over the area again. I just can't.

Keeping one hand on the rail, he slowly went down the steps, staring out into the darkness. Where is she? Reaching the bottom step, he gulped. It's so dark down here, he glanced up at the dim lights. I can barely see a thing.

As he walked into the unknown, his footsteps echoed, making him cringe. I'll be dead if I'm caught, the thought, like all of this, seemed too unreal. He stepped into something wet and stepped back. He made out the figure, and his eyes widened. "Rachael is that you?" He whispered.

The figure refused to respond. Or couldn't, he shivered. "Rachael?" He reached towards the figure before his hand dropped to his side. Oh god, his stomach churned.

Her head was slumped to the side, her back resting on a column. What happened to her? His eyes couldn't look away from her blood, and the fresh cuts that went into her skin. Who did this? Crouching down, he examined her face. Is she alive? Touching her wrist, he tried to feel for her pulse.

Quickly fading, but still alive. He sighed in relief. Standing up, he started walking away when he heard a low groan. Twisting around, he had to keep himself from shouting. "Rachael, are you awake?"

A few seconds passed and he was answered by another groan. Taking a few steps towards her, he offered her a hand. "What happened to you? Who did this?" He voiced some of the many questions running through his head.

She rejected his offer and stood, using the column as support. "This man," she breathed out. "He came out of nowhere," she took a few steps towards him and grabbed onto his arm. "He targeted Celine, went after her. I have to stop him." She can't stop him, she can barely walk.

"No, you can't. You go get the police, get some help." Even in the dim light he could see her shake her head slightly.

"No, no I can't do that. I can't abandon her," she pressed her nails into his skin. "I can't lose her again." You and me both.

"You're not going to lose her Rachael. I'm not going to let that happen." He refused to look at her. "But if you go then both of you will end up dead."

Rachael was silent and he knew what he had said had sunk in. Slowly, she relieved pressure off of his arm. "I know." She said in a hushed voice. "But I feel so useless not being able to help her."

"You are helping her though. You're helping her by bringing back the police so we can get this psycho locked up for the rest of his life."

"Okay," she started for the stairs and turned. "Make sure you bring her back safely."

"I will." I have too.

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