chapter 11

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Dawn frantically searched over her desk. "No, no, no, no!" She cried out, coming empty handed. It's gone. My journals gone. In its place was a note from magazines clippings. Shakily, she picked up the note and read it out loud. "You can't run forever, my little mouse."

Her eyes went wide. How far is this going to go? The note kept repeating in her head. What am I going to do? Sinking to the floor, her gaze fell on the window. Maybe, the note twirled to the ground, forgotten. Maybe whoever did this left something outside. She took a deep breathe before standing up.

As she walked down the steps, her thoughts revolved back to Ashton. When she brushed up past the kitchen frame she shook her head. Snap out of it. She approached the back door, her confidence draining out of her with each step. Grabbing the door knob, she slowly twisted it open and peered outside.

No one was there except for a blue jay that was perked in a tree. Stepping outside, she smiled slightly. See? Nothings going to jump out and get you. She checked the area and the ladder just in case and found nothing out of the ordinary. This was probably just a big joke to scare you, that's all . She went back inside, her smile bigger than when she left.

Before Dawn could take a step up the stairs she was stopped. "Me and Nadia are going out for a little bit." She turned her back from the stairs.

"Both of you?" Dread drifted over her.

"That's what I said." Dean frowned slightly. "Honestly, can't you listen to me for a second?

She glared. "Can I at least come with you then?" Just play nice for now. There was no way she was letting that remark go.

He chuckled, a smirk on his face. "What are you, eight?" He might of been smiling, but his eyes told a different story. One of exasperation and distress. Is he still upset with me? With all that happened, she completely forget their fight. Let him be mad, he deserves it; the vile voice in her mind said. Who needs friends like him?

I do, she answered. Without them I wouldn't be me. The realization didn't pop in her head as more as past by like a gentle breeze. "Fine. I'll stay here by myself." She said arrogantly before facing the stairs.

"Dawn, what's going on with you?" His voice was hush but loud enough for her to hear.

Pausing, she grabbed the railing. "I just," she was looking down at one of the steps. "I just need to figure things out." Dawn lifted her head. "By my self." She started up the steps.

"You don't need to figure out things by yourself. You have us!" He called out as she reached halfway up the steps.

She stopped and stared at him, her hand still on the railing. Looking at his face, all the fear drained out of her body until she was numb. "Yes, I do." Turning her back on him, she closed her eyes and walked up the steps. This is my problem now, not theirs. Opening her eyes, she stared into her room. I refuse to drag them any further into my nightmare.

To her relief, her room was just as she left it. She yanked the curtains closed before sitting on her bed. That's better. Looking over her room, she shuddered. Will I ever feel secure in here again? Even if it was just a huge joke, she still felt the same though.

Falling back, she stared at the ceiling. She could hear a door open and close and the chatter of people farther away with every second. It's only for a little bit, she rolled over to her side. In the distance, she heard the faint sound of a car engine start up and soon fade away. Be strong. She squeezed her eyes shut momentarily as she clenched her hand.

Staring at her desk, she sighed. Questions swirled in her head, unabled to be answered. Who played the prank? Why did they take my journal? That question created a new question. Where is my journal now? Groaning, she grabbed a pillow and threw it over her head, covering her ears.

The journal's useless without its key, the vile voice pipped up. she chuckled, for once agreeing with the voice. "If only i knew what was inside." She muttered. "Everything would make sense then." Well not everything, the voice disagreed. "Mostly everything." The last few days had been so rough that talking to herself was the least of her problems.

The doorbell jolted her out of bed. Not again! Her eyes were wide. Please just let me have one normal day! She crept out of her room and down the stairs, whispering prayers under her breath. When she got to the front door, she froze and looked for anything useful. Her eyes stopped at the umbrella rack. She pulled the umbrella out and slowly opened the door.

The light flooded through the opening, blinding her. "Celine! Oh my gosh, its so good to see you!" Someone pulled her into an embrace. Dawn blinked the light out of her eyes.

"Who exactly are you?" She wrinkled her nose. "And who's Celine?" She was really getting frustrated with that name.

The person released her from their grip and stepped back. A female, she observed the woman, who looked like they came back from a rock and roll concert. She eyed Dawn, her lips pursed. "Your joking." Looking into her eyes, the woman's eyes didn't match her expression. "Okay, you're not joking."

The woman brushed past her, coming inside uninvited. She whistled. "Real nice place you got here." The woman sat down on the couch. "My names Rachael, does that ring a bell?" Dawn shook her head. "You've really have forgotten me," she laughed dryly. "What was I supposed to expect after all these years?"

"It's not that." Dawn took a step towards the couch. "I lost my memory in a car accident."

Rachael lifted her drooping head. "Don't torture me with lies. I know when I'm not wanted." Her poker face didn't match the intense emotion in her eyes.

Dawn raised one of her hands defensively. "I swear I'm not lying. You have to believe me!" What did she have to prove it though? Absolutely nothing, that's what.

Rachael's amber eyes burned into her green eyes. They stood there, motionless. Then Rachael finally bobbed her head slowly. "I believe you."

Relief churned in Dawn's stomach. "You do?" Rachael nodded again. Dawn smiled. "Good." She looks tough, maybe I could trust her. She could help me. The thought popped up in her head. "Can I trust you with something?"

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