A family time...!!

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Later, Laksh came inside his room and was about to wear his blazer, he found Ragini sitting in balcony with a juice in her hand and beautiful smile in her face, obviously because of morning incident. Laksh smirked and thought of a new plan. He put his blazer aside and rolled up his sleeves till his elbow. He sat on the couch and opened his laptop bag and took some file and started to work at home. Ragini noticed this and she was about to ask 'why he didn't go to work at office?' but stopped herself as she don't want him to think that she cares for him. So she just left the room casually. Laksh knows what is going on in Ragini's mind which widens his smirk. He started to work there and asked Sanskar to attend his meetings.

By 11'o clock, Laksh felt tired and he wanted some coffee. He was about to call someone for coffee, but at that time Ragini entered and kept coffee on the night stand. Laksh gave a sweet smile to Ragini and said 'thank u'. But Ragini glared at him and said 'Don't think that I have bought coffee because I cared for u. It's because maa asked to give it to u. That's it. Don't over imagine. Okk?' She said with an attitude look. Laksh felt hurt and his face showed that to Ragini but still he masked it with a cool look and said innocently 'At least I have my mom to care for me.' He said that to see Ragini's reactions but Ragini was already in her world seeing Laksh's hurt face. Laksh's eyebrows frowned in confusion of what Ragini is thinking. He goes near Ragini and gently touched her shoulders and asked 'R u fine Ragini?' At that time only Ragini came out of her world and looked at Laksh's eyes. His eyes were full of care, love and also hurt. She was lost in that pool of emotional eyes. Whereas Laksh was searching in Ragini's eyes for what she was thinking. Their cute eyelock was broken when Uttara came asked the both to come down. They both nodded and felt embarrassed when she gave a naughty smirk and wink while leaving. They composed themselves and went down.

Everyone was present there including Shekhar and Sharmistha. They all were chit chatting. Laksh gave a broad smile to everyone whereas Ragini was seemed to be lost somewhere. When they called out her name she looked at them and just simply smiled. No one noticed that the smile as fake but Laksh did. He was feeling that she was disturbed due to some reasons. He couldn't point out the reason but still he can feel that she is disturbed, upset and sad too. Laksh didn't want her to be like this. So he went to the middle of the hall and said.

Laksh: Excuse me everyone! Can I gain ur attention please!?

Everyone looked at Laksh and smiled at him but Ragini looked at him with frowned eyebrows. Laksh gives a cute smile to his lady love and faced everyone. That one cute smile made Ragini's disturbed face to have a calm look.

Laksh continued: Actually I got a sudden idea. So what I am thinking is 'everybody is here and so I wish we could have some family time'!?

Everyone looked at him with confusion and suddenly Swara: But already we r having it naa Laksh?

Everyone nodded to Swara's question with confused look. Laksh smiled and said: Yes we r, but I am having plans to make it more interesting. (He said it like a small kid.)

Everybody chuckled hearing at his eagerness and excitement in his tone including Ragini, which made Laksh's day. He finally let out a relieved sigh and smiled genuinely at Ragini who was already looking... no...admiring at his each and every action.

Laksh continued: Lets' play some games, teasing, pulling each others' legs, singing, dancing, some romances too.

He winked when he said the last part which made the ladies blush (including Ragini) and younger men to have a mischievous grin and elder men to look blankly.

Laksh raised his eyebrows and asked: What say my dear family?

His excitement, eagerness, lovely words and his tone made everyone to accept that plan. Even Ragini too was excited!! They decided to play after lunch.

Raglak ff: She is my wifeWhere stories live. Discover now